[Plugin] extrudeEdgesByEdges.rb
@ajmarch said:
Hi, TIG. I am new to the forum, and came across these plugins while doing a little research on a project i am starting. I was wondering do your plug-ins work for Mac? Thanks for the help
They should work on PC or Mac, SUp version 6 or 7...
Just make sure you use the right Plugins folder on your Mac - to find it type/copy+paste this line into the Ruby Console Window:Sketchup.find_support_file("Plugins")
+ <enter>
All of the Extrusion tools and their support files come in a zip file, install them all...
Also ensure you extract the files/folders from the zip file unchanged and put them into the Plugins folder as directed.
Read the instructions on use each tools, activating toolbars etc...
Most scripts will work on both platforms and will say if they are limited or platform specific...
A new zipped set is available - http://forums.sketchucation.com/viewtopic.php?p=166780#p166780
The ES lingvo file has been updated for EEbyEdges by Defisto... -
Thats a wonderful plugin there TIG, guess i might be the last one to explore it though. I need help frm any of the wonderful people out there. I need to make an arch, that protrudes to the front, something similar to thats of a hawk's beak. Hope u get what im trying to say. I just cant seem to figure out how to do it...maybe its a piece of cake for u guys. I'd really appreciate it if u could reply soon, as im really running out of time...
Anarchy -
hey anarchy,
it's really hard for me to understand what you're after without seeing some sort of sketch.. my interpretation of a protruding arch similar to a hawk's beak looks something like this:
is this what you're after?
does Extrude EdgesBy Edges work in SU 8 ???
Yes, have you had problems using it?
@unknownuser said:
Yes, have you had problems using it?
yes i do
as you can see i created 2 groups: first a line and second the arc. I select first the arc and then the path and i click on the EdgebyEdge, but i get this error as you can see on the screen
Ok, for that I'd suggest eebyvector. If your path is straight that is? Why it doesn't work on this occasion could be due to the face your line is a line and not a polyline.
Right click line and choose divide, any segment number is fine. Then use weld plugin to turn it to polyline.
The problem is that you don't have two groups selected!
The arc looks grouped but you can't easily group a single line.
Add another line to it, then group them - then edit the group and erase the unneeded line - you have group with one line in it.
EEbyEdges should then work.
EEbyEdges is really designed to extrude multiple grouped edges...
If you didn't group the arc and then use my EEbyVector tool, it should then extrude along any line you pick by points... -
@tig said:
The problem is that you don't have two groups selected!
The arc looks grouped but you can't easily group a single line.
Add another line to it, then group them - then edit the group and erase the unneeded line - you have group with one line in it.
EEbyEdges should then work.
EEbyEdges is really designed to extrude multiple grouped edges...
If you didn't group the arc and then use my EEbyVector tool, it should then extrude along any line you pick by points...the same thing is happening
it works only when a have the simple arc (not as componen) adn apply the vector extrusion.
Ok, then what there's to be done to make something actually work with extrude edges by edges ? -
Are you making a 'group' or a 'component' - it needs a 'group'...
It won't work with 'component instances' only on two 'groups'... -
@tig said:
Are you making a 'group' or a 'component' - it needs a 'group'...
It won't work with 'component instances' only on two groups...owww sorry, i wasn't paying attention to the explenantion of the plugin. I read component instead of group.
So everything needs to be as a group.
Thanks TIG -
I am very excited to use this plugin, but sadly, I seem to lack the skill - I have sketchup 8 pro, I have made 2 groups of edges and named them 'path' and 'profile', it seems to be working giving a "multiplying edges" message, but then - nothing. I am including a pic, but it isn't revealing much to me.
Thank you for your timeAdam
@adskad said:
I am very excited to use this plugin, but sadly, I seem to lack the skill - I have sketchup 8 pro, I have made 2 groups of edges and named them 'path' and 'profile', it seems to be working giving a "multiplying edges" message, but then - nothing. I am including a pic, but it isn't revealing much to me.
[attachment=2:2xkjp7xk]<!-- ia2 -->EEsad.png<!-- ia2 -->[/attachment:2xkjp7xk]
Thank you for your timeAdam
Dont wish to butt in, but I was having a play with tigs plugin. I duplicated your attempt, and it works fine for me....
I notice that your left hand group seems to have a larger than necessary bounding box, do you have some extraneous geometry in there which is confusing the plugin?
baz[attachment=1:2xkjp7xk]<!-- ia1 -->ee.png<!-- ia1 -->[/attachment:2xkjp7xk][attachment=0:2xkjp7xk]<!-- ia0 -->ee.png<!-- ia0 -->[/attachment:2xkjp7xk]
I have three lines grouped, so it looks like it may have hidden stuff, but I checked. Do you think it might be windows 64 bit that is the problem?
@adskad said:
I have three lines grouped, so it looks like it may have hidden stuff, but I checked. Do you think it might be windows 64 bit that is the problem?
I dont know much about 64bit stuff, but I have'nt noticed anything on this forum about problems with it.
Why not post the skp? I bet you its something in there. Or start again from scratch and see how you go. Tigs plugins are some of the best you will come across, so I think it must be something you are doing, (or not doing).
baz -
@adskad said:
Do you think it might be windows 64 bit that is the problem?
No - SU's runs like a normal 32bit application anyway.
Can you post the simple SKP you are having the problem with...
With EEbyE two simple groups containing some edges/curves with interact to form a mesh - are you sure you haven't 'nest-grouped' them or something.
This is one of the simplest EEby... tools... -
I installed it on a 32 bit computer, and it works perfectly. I appreciate the help - I will re-install on my current computer and try again.
It is fantastic BTW - thank you TIG!
Thank you TIG as always.
Some humble sugestion if I may:
Your scripts would gain even more popularity if you'd put concentrated set of gif's (like this for example http://www.polyboost.com/)