[Plugin] UV Toolkit
@butterflyer said:
I was having trouble with sketchup and wanted to do a clean install but could not get rid of this TT_lib2 no matter what I did I even sent it through a government type deletion and nada why would that happen. everytime sketchup opens it comes up with an error pertaining to that lib2 I followed all instructions when putting it in?
ps new to sketchup but do know how to follow instructions
as soon as I took out ruby scripts error message went away but still cannot delete that file here is the files full name TT_lib2_-_2.4.0.zip
when I opened that zip file it listed all my paint and 3d programs along with my documents why?It's a bit hard to fully understand everything you describe, but did you do what Gaeius suggested, closing SU before removing the files?
Can you post a screenshot of your Plugins folder?
Also: what is the error messages you got? (These are important to include in questions as they have important information that pin-point where the problem lies.) -
Hi thomthom,
Firstly, a quick thank you for all of your contributions.
I've been experimenting (aka still learning) with SketchUp Standard over the last few weeks and have built several models of buildings (inside & outside) - no materials/textures applied at the moment. I now need to create/fix/clean the UV Map before I can export these models and came accross this thread in my search for the tools to do this.
A few questions I have are ...
Q - Is there an additional plugin that I need to take all the parts of a model and flatten them out to a 2D-plane in preparation of UV Mapping? I need to create a single diffuse (texture) image which contains all of the model parts so that i may be altered later using a graphics/paint application.
Q - Where can I find the sample "UV" image that appears in your YouTube demo at Post 1? I looked in the .\images folder and did not see it. Tried finding a "checkered" or "color grid" pattern and haven't had much success on that front either. I'm guessing these mapping images aren't standard issue.
Appreciate any reference links/info.
@hgagne said:
Q - Is there an additional plugin that I need to take all the parts of a model and flatten them out to a 2D-plane in preparation of UV Mapping? I need to create a single diffuse (texture) image which contains all of the model parts so that i may be altered later using a graphics/paint application.
UV Unwrapping is not something that exists for SketchUp yet. But Whaat has created a plugin that bridges SketchUp with third party mapping utilities. http://forums.sketchucation.com/viewtopic.php?t=23725
@hgagne said:
Q - Where can I find the sample "UV" image that appears in your YouTube demo at Post 1? I looked in the .\images folder and did not see it. Tried finding a "checkered" or "color grid" pattern and haven't had much success on that front either. I'm guessing these mapping images aren't standard issue.
It's a map I created my self. You can find better ones if you google for UV mapping test textures.
@thomthom said:
UV Unwrapping is not something that exists for SketchUp yet. But Whaat has created a plugin that bridges SketchUp with third party mapping utilities. http://forums.sketchucation.com/viewtopic.php?t=23725
It's a map I created my self. You can find better ones if you google for UV mapping test textures.
I've been experimenting with UVTools & UVToolkit since I posted my question and starting to build a comfort level. Appreciate the quick response, UV Map, and link to UVTools.
Have you installed TT_Lib 2? That error seems to indicate it's not able to locate it?
@unknownuser said:
Have you installed TT_Lib 2? That error seems to indicate it's not able to locate it?
Nope, I installed and I don't get the error now
Now I have to learn to use it
Thanks for the fast response -
Quick question...
After mapping to quad faces I decided to 'Save As' on the mapped component. When I looked in my Components folder there were lots of images of each mapped quad. Is this normal?
eh..? no... that sounds like bad voodoo...
Sorry, I'm having difficulty with this and Thea
Is this the issue with those faces you triangulated later?
You get those texture files immediately after you use UV-Tools - or when you go to Render..?
@unknownuser said:
Is this the issue with those faces you triangulated later?
@unknownuser said:
You get those texture files immediately after you use UV-Tools - or when you go to Render..?
I get those if I Fit to Quad Faces within a component then 'Save As' that component to the Component Library. Though I done it twice by accident I can't repeat it now? So let's forget this for now.
But here's what is happening between UV'ing and exporting to Thea.
[a] Fit to Quads
[b] Export (Hierarchy On), UVs get messed
[c] Export (Hierarchy Off), Lots of textures appear in TheaI'll continue to investigate the 'Save As' issue i HAD...
Here's the Thea topic (just answered there myself):
http://www.thearender.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=83&t=5665TT, I could not find that topic where you (and others) compared different render engines and how they distort skewed materials.
I'm not following that tut you mentioned. So I'm not making these unique. I'm doing something out of sequence though?
No, sorry, I have corrected myself in the Thea thread.
@gaieus said:
TT, I could not find that topic where you (and others) compared different render engines and how they distort skewed materials.
Basically, from this thread it appear render engines for SketchUp do one of two things:
They access the low-level triangulated polygon mesh in SketchUp and sample UV co-ordinates for each triangle vertex. This leads to distorted textures being rendered incorrectly because distorted textures requires 4 UV points. (Unscaled, Scales, Stretched and Skewed works fine however.)
They check for distorted textures on faces and export a unique bitmap for each face. This leads to an array of textures/materials in the destination render. It also produce incorrect UV's if the material is layered. As the distorted SketchUp texture is converted into a non-distorted texture. If the render engine user use multiple layers for that material, they won't line up with because the additional texture resources used isn't transformed like the distorted SketchUp texture is. (At least I've not seen any engines that does this.)
So none of the solution is ideal - but one can often get away with it without noticing the flaws if the geometry or texture projection isn't too extreme.
Thanks. I was looking everywhere BUT the Dev forum.
Thanks guys, that explained a great deal. I'll use UU3D to map the arch instead.
You can use the other method of texturing an arch with UV Toolkit I posted here. That works with Thea.
Also Tgi3D Amorph should work (the same way: remember > restore UV's).