[Plugin][$] FredoScale - v3.6a - 01 Apr 24
@rv1974 said:
@unknownuser said:
This is normal, as each individual component instance may be deformed differently from the other instances, they have to be made unique.
It's understandable for twist\bend\melt etc. But why for uniform stretch command?
The stretch command isn't uniform.
@unknownuser said:
The stretch command isn't uniform.
And you can use the "moving Plan" for make it Uniform by part
F4 to to view the divider plane.
Left click on the divider plane's border to move it parallel to itself.
Double click the divider plane to reset its position to the center of the model.
Right click on the divider plane to have additional (undocumented?) options. -
@unknownuser said:
@unknownuser said:
The stretch command isn't uniform.
And you can use the "moving Plan" for make it Uniform by part
Still won't be a uniform stretch.
@thomthom said:
@unknownuser said:
@unknownuser said:
The stretch command isn't uniform.
And you can use the "moving Plan" for make it Uniform by part
Still won't be a uniform stretch.
OK "Uniform" is wrong definition. But what hamper to allwindows in bulding #3 to become the same "win1_3" (if say original window in unstreched building#1 is "win1"?
Fredo, thank you. The Bend operation is way cool. It even works on unconnected geometry.
@rv1974 said:
OK "Uniform" is wrong definition. But what hamper to allwindows in bulding #3 to become the same "win1_3" (if say original window in unstreched building#1 is "win1"?
That would be nice. Just wondering how easy it is to work out which components remain the same... But if Fredo can solve that I'll make another donation to him.
Fredo! Thank you so much for this unbelieveable plugin!
One step closer to 3dsMax -
@xrok1 said:
@unknownuser said:
Just in case nobody else has noticed, there's an html file (freescale.donation.html) in the freescale_dir_20 folder.. you can make a donation via that link.
i would love to see the donation page in english too so i could give you some kudos. please post english donation link, and thankyou very much.
the donation is via paypal so you can go to your language version of that and send to:
I don't know what they taught you at the École Polytechnique, but they certainly did a good job with you, Fredo! -
I am still having some problems. If I install FS, Ver. 2 with FS, Ver. 1 installed I get the message below, pic. V1&2. If I removed Ver. 1, than I get the next message, pic. V2 only.
After I click the OK, the script seems to work OK.
Thanks for the script.
@unknownuser said:
@unknownuser said:
jmmad wrote:
I only have one problem with the stretch tool some times when I strech something even a simple geometry SU freezes and does not respond, and i have to restart SU.Fredo6 wrote:
a) Do you apply it to a selection made of embedded components, with several instances (insinde or outside the selection)?
b) Is this something you can reproduce on a given model (if so, can you post it)Yes here i post the model
It's a component bench with 1 nested component for the legs that repeats 4 times. I don't have any problems when i stretch the model normally, but when i hit control key to stretch from the center it freezes while I am still stretching the component.Here i attach a image and the corresponding component
Well it seems on one attachment made the trip. Here is pic 2 error message with only FS Ver 2 installed.
In this image i get the same problem with stretch
but with normal stretch (no control key hit)
Its the same component only thing i just bet it before 90º then try to strech one end.
Then Freeze SUThxs
Fredo, not big problems but something that i find using FreeScale 2.0:
- Trying to change the deformation before clicking to validate the transformation it makes a unexpected result. I don`t know how to explain this in english so i attach a video showing the problem in the twist and taper tool:
twist-taper.wmv - In the plugin configuration (Icons visible in the toolbar option) I remove the Make Unique, the box rotation, and the rotation (free) icons. Works well but it leaves the icon separators. I attach a image of this too:
- A feature of the native protactor-rotate tool is missing... The ability of holding down the primary mouse button, and dragging the protractor is great:
This option can be added?
Thank you again for this amazings tools,
Daniel S - Trying to change the deformation before clicking to validate the transformation it makes a unexpected result. I don`t know how to explain this in english so i attach a video showing the problem in the twist and taper tool:
This is a great addition to SU. Thanks.
I installed the pluging and when I use Radial bending it just rotate the group. I wonder what may be wrong.
Please see attached caption.
Thanks again.
@unknownuser said:
Just wondering how easy it is to work out which components remain the same
But what hamper to all windows in bulding?Not so a big deal
Stretch before if you want
Just using 2 cool Plugins : "Remove Inner faces" by Wikii, "Clean up Model" by John H. Aughey
That takes 2 seconds for a building of 50 levels(if x = * 50)
Stretch after if you want
You need to break the geometry into sections to get the bend. After selecting the tool, hit Tab. Then enter a value in the first line of the dialog box. Someone else suggested 20 which is what I used for the bent text example I posted.
I didn't follow (understand) the thing about the negative value for that box, though.
Thanks for this miracle of code.$ in the mail-de verdad
Thanks Fredo and Dave for the explanation:
Now it works. This is a true evolution on Architectural Design applications and 3D Modeling.
*The Guggenheim Museum Bilbao had been easier by using this code.
Thanks again.