[Plugin Library] LibFredo6 - v15.2a - 12 Mar 25
@ohsleeper said:
You just have problem of Security with Write access to the SU Plugins folder. This should be true for all plugins.
You will have to sort it out first to have proper access.Fredo
I've reported this quite a while ago (months) and the issue still exists. O my first iMac(Core2Duo 2.4 GHz) this plugin performed so sluggish that it was unusable. The menu items and 3D space updates when selecting edges took several seconds to update and that lag between user action and reaction of the tool rendered it not usable.
Now I have a 27" iMac 2.93 GHz Intel Core i7 with 12GB Ram (even though I doubt the latter makes any difference in this case). And while naturally this machine is much faster there still is a very definite lag between user input and reaction of the tool. Usable but really only barely. Noting for continued use.
I also have a Windows XP running in VMware fusion on the same machine and have don't have these problems there. Even though it's running in a VM reaction to user input is instantaneous. No perceivable lag whatsoever!
I've worked some with the Skindigo exporter plugin in OSX and that works smooth as butter. Quite strange!
Hi, I'm new to Sketchup.
I've downloaded, unzipped and put in the Plugins folder. Unfortunately, i must have done something wrong and nothing has appeared other than what i already had on there.
I run windows 7 and have been using Sketchup 8. Any help greatly appreciated!
@cfarrell10 said:
Hi, I'm new to Sketchup.
I've downloaded, unzipped and put in the Plugins folder. Unfortunately, i must have done something wrong and nothing has appeared other than what i already had on there.
I run windows 7 and have been using Sketchup 8. Any help greatly appreciated!
Hi, apologies, I realised that I'd only downloaded the Library files, and not the rounded corner tool also.
Works great now, many thanks!
@cfarrell10 said:
Hi, I'm new to Sketchup.
I've downloaded, unzipped and put in the Plugins folder. Unfortunately, i must have done something wrong and nothing has appeared other than what i already had on there.
I run windows 7 and have been using Sketchup 8. Any help greatly appreciated!
LibFredo6 is just a shared library. It does nothing useful at user level by itself.
You have to install one of my plugin (FredoScale, Roundcorner, Curviloft, ...) to see something in your SU environment.Fredo
can i safely remove older libfredo6 folders??
@arthur87 said:
can i safely remove older libfredo6 folders??
Yes you can
This applies to all my plugins
NEW RELEASELibFredo6 3.7a - 17 Apr 2011
This new version is required for SUClock.
It also fixes some bugs in the Web Dialogs (to Mac users: I hope this works OK)
Finally, it introduces a live Check Plugins for Update feature.
New release is available for download in the first post of this thread.
Hi Fredo,
I am getting duplicate "LibFredo6 Settings..." entries in the Window menu. I locate my plugin files in C:/Plugins and load them using
Also, I have several of your plugins installed - Round Corner, Curviloft, Bezier, in C:/Plugins. These plugins do not appear in the update list. The plugins are currently not enabled in the Extensions dialog - do they need to be enabled to be visible for updates?
@jim said:
I am getting duplicate "LibFredo6 Settings..." entries in the Window menu. I locate my plugin files in C:/Plugins and load them using
This is due to the fact that
registers the full path of ruby files (you can check it in$"
). So, LibFredo6 gets loaded twice, once as C:/plugins/LibFredo6.rb and once as LibFredo6.rb.Do you get this behavior only with LibFredo6 3.7, or did you have it before?
Anyway, I will publish a small update to LibFredo6 to avoid the double menu in all situations
By the way, I published a small plugin to manage alternate directory for plugins. Precisely, I don't use
but a loop onrequire
instead in order to avoid the issue of full path.@jim said:
Also, I have several of your plugins installed - Round Corner, Curviloft, Bezier, in C:/Plugins. These plugins do not appear in the update list. The plugins are currently not enabled in the Extensions dialog - do they need to be enabled to be visible for updates?
The answer is YES. The local registration is done by the plugins themselves. So if they are not activated as Extensions, no code is run.
Hope this helps
@unknownuser said:
The answer is YES. The local registration is done by the plugins themselves. So if they are not activated as Extensions, no code is run.
I would argue that not enabled is different than not installed. Installed-but-not-enabled plugins should also be detected for upgrade purposes. Just my opinion.
Thanks for the update - the ability to check for updates is a great step forward.
Is there any way to keep "Check Plugins for Update" from opening at startup of SU?
Never mind. I figured it out.
Thanks Fredo6 for update!!
I have translated the last strings of this update to spanish language, this is the spanish language file for LibFredo6 - v3.7b -
Hola Defisto,
No sabía que tenias abierto un post con las traducciones a español de FredoCollection, gracias por informar, en cuanto a los archivos de traducción yo los he traducido a Español de España, los tuyos creo que son español de Sudamérica y algunas palabras no se expresan igual, por otra parte intenta guardar los archivos en codificación Unicode (UTF-8) porque sino aparecerán caracteres extraños.
De nuevo gracias por la información.Hi Defisto,
I did not know that you had open a post with the translations to spanish FredoCollection, thank you for informing, in regard to the translation files i have translated into Spanish of Spain, yours i think they are in spanish of South America and some words are not expressed equal, on the other hand tries to save the files in Unicode encoding (UTF-8) because but will appears strange characters.
Thank you again for the information. -
@Oxer and Defisto,
First of all, thanks very much for your great contribution in translating the plugins to Spanish.
I was not aware there would be major difference between Spanish languages on both side of the Atlantic. So could you each tell me what you get when typing
in the Ruby console.Currently, I use only a two character-code (ES) but I can see if I can make a distinction.
Thanks again
Hi Fredo,
This is the message when i type Sketchup.get_locale in the Ruby console:
%(#BF0000)[> Sketchup.get_locale
es] -
@gus r said:
Is there any way to keep "Check Plugins for Update" from opening at startup of SU?I didn't know SU could do that. Where is the setting?