New API doc - typos and questions
Class and method names could be turned into links
to the appropriate API page, for ease of navigation.Sentences should begin with a capital letter and end with
a period (etc). Phrases should not.If a modifying phrase is used at the end of a sentence,
a comma should be added for clarity:the name of the attribute dictionary if successful dictionary,
animation -> animation ruby -> Ruby ... to pause, only certain ... pause;
... a 2nd model ... second Useful for if you need ... --- This is useful if you need ...
The SketchUp Array class adds ... --- SketchUp adds ... Specifically, it contains methods ... --- Specifically, it adds methods ... ... arrays of 3 coordinate ... three ... vector. it returns ... It
... all of the attributes dictionaries. attribute
Although the page does not discuss this, setting a
custom attribute with a key that contains upper-case
letters does not work.The page does not indicate how to set an attribute
(eg, '=LenX+20') to be used as an expression.In the entry for AttributeDictionary.each, the "value"
argument is being formatted as part of the description
for the "key" argument.Ditto for AttributeDictionary.each_pair.
On the API docs pages, in the left nav column, whenever you have made a link bold, the cursor changes to a caret instead of the hand cursor. I suspect it's the <b> and </b> tags doing this.
example from the API HTML source:<li><a href="/apis/..../model.html"><b>Model</b></a></li>
Perhaps if the bold tags were outside the anchor tags?
<li><b><a href="/apis/..../model.html">Model</a></b></li>
If the css specifically set a tags such:
a {cursor:hand}
the nested bold tags should inherit their parent's cursor setting (according to the css reference.) -
The bold tag should not interfere with the cursor regardless if it's inside or outside the link element. It's default cursor property is
. It's either some override or other quirk. Could be a browser quirk.
In FF3.5 I don't see this behaviour. What browser do you use? -
@thomthom said:
In FF3.5 I don't see this behaviour. What browser do you use?
Currently still using MSIE 7
P.S.: at MSDN it indicates if the cursor is not explicitly set, the browser decides; so it may indeed be a MSIE quirk. (I have MSIE 8 and FF on the computer in another room, I'll check and see how the site looks on that machine later today.)
@dan rathbun said:
Point3d.< said:
true if the point2 is closer to the origin.Following the example, I get he opposite result.
The Returns: should probably read,
"*true* if the point2 is **farther** from the origin; *false* if the point2 is closer to the origin (than the receiver.)
And the anchor link doesn't work for me under FF3.5. Might be due to the < character.
@thomthom said:
And the anchor link doesn't work for me under FF3.5. Might be due to the < character.
I suggest the Google webmeister change the anchor to "#lessthan" instead of "#%3C".
I would suspect that links to - and + methods may have problems with some browsers as well.
The id for the anchor is invalid.
The correct format is: said:
ID and NAME tokens must begin with a letter ([A-Za-z]) and may be followed by any number of letters, digits ([0-9]), hyphens ("-"), underscores ("_"), colons (":"), and periods (".").
There are a number of other HTML errors as well. They use a XHTML doctype, but empty elements is not closed with />. Looks like HTML is used - despite the doctype.
The HTTP header claims characterset ISO-8859-1 while the META tag claims UTF-8
Characters isn't escaped properly, such as the < character in the method list. (line 342)
Run it through the validator and see 67 errors.
No wonder things isn't always working when there's so much invalid markup.
Thanks for all the feedback, Dan! Keep 'em coming.
@unknownuser said:
Thanks for all the feedback, Dan! Keep 'em coming.
How is your to-do list compared to Santa's list?
Santa's got nothing on me.
Edge.reversed_in? ?Why is the example using a
begin rescue
structure? Does it on occasion cause errors? -
The class Sketchup::HLR is undocumented in the API.
It's an Entity subclass.
It inherits all the Entity baseclass methods, and adds 2 of it's own:- .calculate* .num_faces
If you create a HLR object at the console, and call .parent (when it has no parent) a BUG SPLAT! results. See post:
What is this class HLR used for? (.. as there is no .add_HLR method for the Entities collection object.)
Tool.getExtents example given isn't a good one. From my observations, clipping occurs only when you draw outside the model boundary. So returning
is pointless. -
Sketchup.send_action can toggle the StatusBar on/off in Ruby (PC only?) via:
Sketchup.send_action(59393)The following have no effect on my PC in SU ver 7.1.x:
Sketchup.send_action(21019) hide Status bar and VCB
Sketchup.send_action(21020) show Status bar and VCB
Sketchup.send_action(21022) hide Status bar and VCB?
..whereas the above id 59393 does work for just the StatusBar.[ NOTE: I've moved my VCB up to the 2nd line of the Top Toolbar Container in 2nd position after the Layers toolbar, so I'd not want the VCB turned off with the StatusBar anyhow. I see them as two different things. ]
@dan rathbun said:
(An alternative... we might create tb_Name constantsunder the UI module that would be the same for both platforms.)
Here's an example, call it 'UI_tb_const.rb'
module UI # # Example ONLY # case Sketchup;;OS when ;WIN # tb_CAM = 'Camera'.freeze tb_CONS = 'Construction'.freeze tb_DISP = 'DisplayMode'.freeze tb_DRAW = 'Drawing'.freeze tb_EDIT = 'Edit'.freeze tb_GETS = 'GettingStarted'.freeze tb_GOOG = 'Google'.freeze tb_LTS = 'LargeToolSet'.freeze tb_LAYR = 'Layers'.freeze tb_STD = 'Standard'.freeze tb_TABS = 'SceneTabs'.freeze tb_PRIN = 'Principle'.freeze # spelling! tb_SBAR = 'StatusBar'.freeze tb_SECT = 'Section'.freeze tb_SHAD = 'Shadows'.freeze tb_VIEW = 'StandardViews'.freeze tb_VCB = 'VCB'.freeze tb_WALK = 'Walk'.freeze # when ;OSX # what are the Mac Strings? tb_CAM = 'Camera'.freeze tb_CONS = 'Construction'.freeze tb_DISP = 'DisplayMode'.freeze tb_DRAW = 'Drawing'.freeze tb_EDIT = 'Edit'.freeze tb_GETS = 'GettingStarted'.freeze tb_GOOG = 'Google'.freeze tb_LTS = 'LargeToolSet'.freeze tb_LAYR = 'Layers'.freeze tb_STD = 'Standard'.freeze tb_TABS = 'SceneTabs'.freeze tb_PRIN = 'Principle'.freeze # spelling! tb_SBAR = 'StatusBar'.freeze tb_SECT = 'Section'.freeze tb_SHAD = 'Shadows'.freeze tb_VIEW = 'StandardViews'.freeze tb_VCB = 'VCB'.freeze tb_WALK = 'Walk'.freeze # end # case end # module UI extension
UI.toolbar_names said:
The toolbar_names method is used to returns the name of all the available toolbars (this differs between PC and Mac).
(1) In the above sentence "returns" should be singular.
(2) I believe punctuation marks are supposed to go at the end of the words, ie: "Mac.)" not "Mac)." ...Language majors, confirm?
(3) It would nice if we are to do cross-platform scripts, that you list the names for PC and Mac in the API.
(4) UI.toolbar_names.sort on the PC, ver 7.1 returns:
["Camera", "Construction", "DisplayMode", "Drawing", "Edit", "GettingStarted", "Google", "Principle", "Section", "Standard", "StandardViews", "VCB", "Walk"]
On the [Win32] Sketchup Menu: View > Toolbars(and toolbar captions):-
Principle is Principal* Edit is Modification* VCB is Measurements* StandardViews is Views* Section is Sections* DisplayMode is FaceStyle* Walk is Walkthrough
These are on the [Win32] Menu: View > Toolbars but, missing from the UI toolbar methods: -
LargeToolSet* Layers* SceneTabs (on View menu )* Shadows
Missing from View Menu and toolbar methods: -
(We can toggle it on/off [with send_action on PC], so might as well add it to the toolbar methods so we can test it's visiblilty, and use set_toolbar_visible for cross platform [if it can be toggled on MAC.])* If a user has the StatusBar off, a tool might want to instead display a messagebox if it must inform the user of some fact, so it needs to test whether it's on/off.
(5) This same Toolbar Name Identifier Set is used with the following methods, and have the same problems, missing Identifiers, etc.
- UI.set_toolbar_visible* UI.toolbar_visible?
So.. we don't mind variation in the toolbar names/symbols, so long as we know what that variation is.
(An alternative... we might create tb_Name constants under the UI module that would be the same for both platforms.)
Entities.add_curve said:
curve aCurve
object if successfulSU7.1M1 PC returns an array of edges. Other versions untested. I'm submitting this as a bug.
Curve.move_vertices said:
The vertices method retrieves a collection of all vertices in a curve.
Seem to have copied the text from
Description needs updating along with an example. -
@thomthom said:
Entities.add_curve said:
curve aCurve
object if successfulSU7.1M1 PC returns an array of edges. Other versions untested. I'm submitting this as a bug.
It's always returned an array of edges - the curve is then