SU7 Schizophrenic Material Picker
Yes, it happens to me too.
same here
So then it's not just me? And it's not part of some "feature" I don't udnerstand or have missed?
Maybe this should be moved to bug reports? It feels like bug to me. Not the behaviour I expect from the tool. -
I noticed this morning I couldn't select all instances of a material to change...the right-click option was greyed out. :~(
Is this reliably reproduceable? or at least do you have a model and example where it broken? This sounds like a good bug....
It doesn't happen in any particular model. For me it happen in any model when I use the material picker. All though, I've not noticed a reliably pattern for when it occurs. Only that it occurs often.
I might be not understanding the issue, but isn't "projecting/positioned" a property that is geometry-stored and not material picker stored? In my experience if I want a projected texture I need to either sample a projected texture from a face (projecting the right direction of course) and then apply it on the desired geometries.
@matthew.robert said:
I might be not understanding the issue, but isn't "projecting/positioned" a property that is geometry-stored and not material picker stored? In my experience if I want a projected texture I need to either sample a projected texture from a face (projecting the right direction of course) and then apply it on the desired geometries.
That is what I do. I sample a projected or positioned texture, then start to paint my other geometry which I want to apply it to. But some times it simply forgets the UV mapping, like if I'd just picked the colour from the material window. Which I haven't.
@thomthom said:
That is what I do. I sample a projected or positioned texture, then start to paint my other geometry which I want to apply it to. But some times it simply forgets the UV mapping, like if I'd just picked the colour from the material window. Which I haven't.
That is weird. Are you sampling from a geometry and applying to a geometry, or from geometry to component or any of the other two possibilities?
To sample a projected texture from a face and "successfully" apply it and have it project on a component the geometries in that component need to have previously had a projected texture applied directly to them (and then that texture removed from the browser). Its weird. There is a self-paced-tutorial on the 3dwh called "projecting textures in DCs". That might not have anything to do with the issue, but since we are chatting about textures and projecting I thought I would toss it out since I don't really have any other ideas.
From geometry to geometry. SU6 did not suffer from this. It's a behaviour that's new to SU7.
Im having the same problem.... for some reason su 7 just really sucks compared to 6, glitches and splats everywhere. I have to toggle between projected and regular model space just to work on the stupid thing half the time. Mabee has something to do with the free version? I had to reformat my harddrive and I lost all my pro student versions....