Moi has now SKP format export!
I spoke too soon.
The latest beta was released yesterday:
Only available to people whove bought v1 though.
Dear All,
I'm sorry if this sounds a little dense, but what am I looking at? Were the models created in MOI and then exported to SU, or the other way round?
Bob -
nice! hey solo throw out some more! that stuff looks awsome.
Yes, MOI to SU.
Is MOI difficult to control when modeling specific objects?
Just curious... -
MOI is pretty much like everything else, initially it's a little awkward coming from SU, but as you play and learn more you can get very good control over an object and model with great accuracy. Personally I actually prefer Hexagon for surface modeling and 'nurb proxy' modeling, as it has everything MOI has plus it has great UV mapping as well as displacement brushes like z-brush all in one app.
MoI's not difficult to use. Takes some getting used to, as Pete says, but it's a fairly straightforward app. Good docs too, and not expensive. If MoI had texturing tools, and exported to Vray and Maxwell, I could imagine using it a whole lot more often than I do now.
Kwist, download the demo, and search for the 'lamp tut' on the MoI forum.
Eovia - Hexagon 2
With our products Carrara, Amapi, Hexagon, VectorStyle, Transposer... (available on we fulfill all your needs in modern 3D graphic design, 3D computer animation, character animation and even 3D engineering.
scroll down to Modeling, see 'cage nurb' (proxy)
Ok! But object is not nurbs, it's always polys -
I never said it was a nurb modeler, I said it was a surface modeler with nurb proxy capabilities, so it's the best of both worlds and a lot easier to work with.
@Solo What is
@unknownuser said:'nurb proxy' modeling
in hexagon?@Kiswt : if you have never use nurbs modeler maybe you will be surprise
It's not the same spirit than Poly modeling
you don't move facets!
you take a complete volume that you cut par a profile curve
you make quasi always Boolean opΓ©ration
you make tensile stucture between curves
...'s another funny world:)
But ergonomy facility is like SU!
But forget Push Pulling think boolean! -
@Solo: Ok all is clear now!
Precision : Only users of the V 1.0 can use the Skp export of the Beta V 2.0
not with the v 1.0 trialfor Kwist : think Boolean
( letters' profil drawn with pen graphic)
About the beta 2.0 of 21 september 2008
@unknownuser said:
both of these reported SketchUp bugs (missing faces when a polygon's points are too close together less than 0.001, and unit system scaling wrong) are now fixed up for the next beta release.
So wait the next