Messing around with animation....
@kwistenbiebel said:
Could this be the start of a 'reality cam' animation plugin? Including a speed graph editor etc..
It is cool that you try to avoid to have a bezier curve as animation path, but on the other hand it would be very nice if a plugin would exist that converts a classic scene tab animation into an editable curve with moveable control points and a graph editor to make speed variations in between keyframes (='scenes').
That would be the ultimate animation workflow: setup a classic scene tab animation, auto-convert it to a bezier and finally change its path and speed using the control points and graph editor.
For object animation, this editable bezier + graph editor could be used as well.I feel not worthy to make a request like this as you already provided so much nice plugins to this community....but maybe a full plugin like that could be a commercial one?
There is definitely potential to expand this plugin into a full featured animation package. However, there is no chance I will be taking it to that level any time soon. Maybe someday...
That's an interesting idea to create an editable camera path using classic scene tabs as a starting point. I am sure it can be done.
Thanks I'll look forward to the release.
Nice work. The animation in sketchup needs something new and I really like what you have going here. look forward to being able to use it.
Hi Whaat, nice idea and it looks good.
Will it be an 'open source' script?
If answer == no, would you make internal methods known and public?
Tomasz -
Wow, amazing! Looking forward to the day this plugin is released!
@unknownuser said:
Hi Whaat, nice idea and it looks good.
Will it be an 'open source' script?
If answer == no, would you make internal methods known and public?
TomaszThis is the core of what I have so far. The smoothstep function is a well known function that I found using an internet search. I am using the Animation class in the Sketchup API. I thought this was a completely useless class until now...
I just never understood how to use it before.
def nextFrame(view) @frame+=1 @t+=@time_step return false if @current_page_index==@pages.count if @t.to_f>=@current_page_end #move to the next page if we are at the end of the transition time @current_page_index+=1 @current_page=@pages[@current_page_index] @current_page_start=@current_page_end @current_page_trans=@current_page.transition_time @current_page_trans=@def_trans_time if @current_page_trans==-1.0 @current_page_end=@current_page_start+@current_page_trans end smoothed_time=smooth(@current_page_start,@current_page_end,@t)*(@current_page_end-@current_page_start)+@current_page_start @pages.show_frame_at(smoothed_time) @filename=File.join(File.dirname(@filename),"test#{@frame}.jpg") view.write_image(@filename,320,240,true) unless @t>@pages.slideshow_time view.show_frame() end ###################### def smooth(min,max,input) r=(input.to_f-min.to_f)/(max.to_f-min.to_f) return r*r*(3.0-2.0*r) end
This looks great whaat. I'm a big fan of skindigo and look forward to rendering animations.
Hi Whaat.
Any progress on this plugin?
Just asking as this feature is useful to a lot of people (including me) .
@kwistenbiebel said:
Hi Whaat.
Any progress on this plugin?
Just asking as this feature is useful to a lot of people (including me) .
the plugin has been 'almost done' for a couple of weeks now. I haven't been working on it much. It just needs a bit of 'clean-up' and testing before I can release it. This is what the plugin can do (just so there are no false expectations):
- View a SketchUp slideshow using smooth transitions between scenes
- Export a SketchUp slideshow (as a sequence of still images) using smooth transitions between scenes
The plugin cannot be used to export a smoothed animation to a render engine. Sorry!
@whaat said:
This is what the plugin can do (just so there are no false expectations):
- View a SketchUp slideshow using smooth transitions between scenes
- Export a SketchUp slideshow (as a sequence of still images) using smooth transitions between scenes
The plugin cannot be used to export a smoothed animation to a render engine. Sorry!
Bummer for the render engine support but promising anyway.
I would use it for SU alone if it were avail.! please be encouraged to finish a beta for us.
I show many animations to clients these days inside good 'ole SU6. Clients love it. Would be great if it were smoothed out just like you showed. -
How would it affect long transitions? like 16 sec?
@whaat said:
This is the core of what I have so far. The smoothstep function is a well known function that I found using an internet search. I am using the Animation class in the Sketchup API. I thought this was a completely useless class until now...
I just never understood how to use it before.
I have been using Animation Class for exporting Face Me components. Thanks for the code. This plug-in will be vary handy. I add intermediate cameras to smooth a path but it is very time consuming and not precise method.
Thanks for sharing and sorry for such a delayed responseTomasz
Hi Whaat,
I saw your youtube video where you rendered a Sketchyphyics scene as an animation using a render engine (Skindigo).
Is there a chance you make it into a ruby? (sketchyphysics-to-scene-tab-animation) -
Whaat and Fredo and Didier and TIG and All the ruby confraternity.. this way we will never see the day of SU 7! or perhaps it'll be straight to SU 8..
Sketchyphysics renders you say? have you got a link? im intrigued.
@remus said:
Sketchyphysics renders you say? have you got a link? im intrigued.
Sure, here you go.
Proof of concept by Whaat:
[flash=425,344:28sc35yy][/flash:28sc35yy]Whaat seems to have object animation going for Indigo (though not released yet in the Skindigo plugin) and Fryrender (version 'One') already has object animation capability. I currently just don't know how to use it on SP, as SP doesn't produce a default scene tab animation to start with.
I am really excited about being able to convert Sketchyphysics action into default Sketchup animations and use render engines on it.
As a note: Vray won't be able to benefit from it as it hasn't got object animation capability for now.
I posted the wish for it on their forum though.