[Plugin] Toggle Units
Incredible... That's incredible! Cheer up! We will success...
Installed and works as advertised. Also, like the additional button.
Thank you.
Ahhhh ... changed already. I added a red dot to the original set to show the association between related buttons.
CAD father's, as always, are nice icons.
@unknownuser said:
Ahhhh ... changed already.
Sorry JClements... -
Hey Matt:
Could the new values created when the accuracy buttons are clicked, be displayed somewhere such as in the Task Bar or better yet when the mouse is put over the top of button?
Same happens on my Mac . Just the last three buttons worked as expected.
Amigo!!! se que no vas a entender esto... pero si lo traduces quizas si...
es la herramienta mas util que necesitaba par trabajar... te lo agradezco toda la vida...
Matias desde Corrientes, Argentina
Much better - thanks Matt ...
Only the 10th and 11th icon work on my Mac version. Also, as mentioned previously, the buttons stay depressed even when you press a different one.
Also, there is not much difference in the gray color between pressed and not pressed for the "Dec" button (when it is in its "not-pressed" condition it is already grayed out, but not quite as much as when it is pressed). See Attachment.When I get it working it will be of significant value since I often work with both decimal inches and feet/inches.

Is there anyone else that is having trouble with this plugin with Sketchup 7.1.6860. It will change the precision but not the units.
Thanks in advance.
try with these: toggle_units.zip
max, what problems is this new version supposed to solve? the copy I have installed works fine but for one thing: the buttons stay depressed even when you press a different one. by the way, I am on mac running the latest snow leopard.
EDIT: if using SU 7.1, install the 2 files inside the zip (thanks to Jim)
toggle_units.zipMatt, Thank you for this!
one question.. how can i assign a keyboard shortcut to one of them? or is it not possible?
also, the units redraw only when i click on the screen or (press the esc key) - is that to do with screen refresh? if so is there any way to make it refresh automatically?
unfortunately i have no knowledge of macs so i'm not able to test - on my pc once the 'dec' is enabled the icons stray pressed when selected..
@cadfather said:
try with these: [attachment=0:xryojohw]<!-- ia0 -->toggle_units.zip<!-- ia0 -->[/attachment:xryojohw]
Somehow I missed this post. So today I tried this post. I now have a toolbar with no icons showing. It seems the icon should now be in another directory. I haven't moved the icons until I know this is what is at fault.
Also, after selecting Fract in the plugin menu, the plugin stop working until I select to top selection.
So was the attachment you had posted, was that for my problem or a MAC issue.
And what happen to Matt666?
Would like some help, I find this a very valuable plugin.
Thanks in advance.
Hi all.
Sorry for the problems, and I don't have any time to search a solution... My work takes me a lot of time.
I will try to see what does not work with this new SU update.
Be patient please... -
Dear Matt,
So glad to see you back on the block
@unknownuser said:
Is there anyone else that is having trouble with this plugin with Sketchup 7.1.6860. It will change the precision but not the units.
Thanks in advance.
Here's the working version.
SketchUp Pro 7.1.6860
OS Windows 7 PC
@matt666 said:
Hi all.
Sorry for the problems, and I don't have any time to search a solution... My work takes me a lot of time.
I will try to see what does not work with this new SU update.
Be patient please...Matt
I know work. Was busy until recently. So now I was presented with some down time and in the process of trying to take care of some problems I had let slip. Food and shelter is always first on my list. So Matt666, let me thanks you for the script again.
blajnov, thank you for the updated. Not sure why I couldn't find this update on the site, but I couldn't. The scrip now works just like it did before. Not my plugin or my site, but maybe this update should go to the front of the topic. Anyway, again, thanks to all that helped.
Now lets hope the new cap works and work can start again.
Please make your original post clearer (if editing is allowed on this forum).
2 files, same file name, no version control = confusion