Rusty turtle
Very nice once again
The last one is my favorite, great looking work.
the last is my favourite too. even if the first one looks a bit like davy jones' fellows of "Pirates of the Caribbean - Dead mans Chest"
great work, really
Ow, just when I thought my render skill where getting somewhere, Solo comes along
No seriously very nice renders!
[Still having a hard time getting displacement to work properly in V-ray
Brilliant... as usual! Maximum effect with minimal geometry. Pete, you're the master.
Pete, I was wondering where you get all these maps and textures from?
Thanks guys.
I really enjoy this type of playing.
dave, I generate textures from within the app using the material editors and combining different textures with custom filters.
Well then... you are truly a master!
wow! a hedgehurtle!!!
What do you use to put displacement mapping like that?
Solo, have you tried applying ecosystems yet?
Ray, in Vue you can apply displacement by percentage to any bump map.
Daniel, I have tried the ecosystems, I am planning to create my own ecosystems with some tropical solid growth trees and shrubs I made as well as distant city systems with low poly SU buildings I imported. If they work great I may flog them for a buck.
yes, it seems that there is a lot of possibilities ! I understand when you say you have fun with doing this
I like your renderings, very differents and nice .