[Plugin] Round Edge - v1.0 (by Bezier)
@unknownuser said:
After spending two days at the Google office in Boulder last week and then seeing your remark, I can't help but chuckle softly.
first Csaba let slip one of those ambiguous remarks; and now you. seems that something is coming up soon...
What I let slip is already published by Google actually. But yes, I am also hopeful for a cool, new version.
Understood, Fredo.
Oh, and I would like to commend you on how you name your zip-file downloads. Makes management of updates MUCH EASIER!
Thanx for the ruby much appreciated i will use it a great deal in my drawings
Allright, I have this BIG model (6.79mb per half) on which I want to unleash the tool. Will the filesize (and thus the controlability) suffer under it when I do so? Attached is a screencap of the model. Note that it's only half of it, and that the bridge and nacelles are addad after I'm done, which would mean a further increase in filesize. Next to that, it's probable that I will be deleting some of it's interior (yeah, it's got interior, I went completely nuts with it) to tone down the filesize.
So, people have been saying that adding a bevel to the model would be wise. But would it be in this case? Or would the model become uncontrolable? Some advice would be appreciated
Depends more on the face count of the thing really.
My suggestion would to be quite select on your use of the bevel tool, using it only where its needed to add to the realism of the model.
Its also possible to control the number of segments the tool uses in the bevel, so i suppose if your careful with that you could go pretty wild with it.
Bottom line: bevel everything and it will become very unwieldy, try and go half way between beveling and no beveling.
Fantastic Fredo! The script is great - straight away started using it.
It'll become my most used script.Thank you for the script
With best regards
wowo~~ this is just what i want!
thanks! -
Thank you very much~
Hope this is useful to my models.
@borgman said:
Allright, I have this BIG model (6.79mb per half) on which I want to unleash the tool. Will the filesize (and thus the controlability) suffer under it when I do so? Attached is a screencap of the model. Note that it's only half of it, and that the bridge and nacelles are addad after I'm done, which would mean a further increase in filesize. Next to that, it's probable that I will be deleting some of it's interior (yeah, it's got interior, I went completely nuts with it) to tone down the filesize.
So, people have been saying that adding a bevel to the model would be wise. But would it be in this case? Or would the model become uncontrolable? Some advice would be appreciated
Is each half of your model a component? If not that may be why your model is suffering the big file[ness]
thank you fred,i am a student from china.and my english is not good enough to understand all of you said,anyway after some try,i found someway to use it
coooooooooool -
GREAT Plug-in Thanks
I was sitting yesterday with a model where I wanted to bevel the edges, but follow me wasn't very practical due to to complex shape. Then I happen to come across this plugin today. It did the job great. Only had to clean up two vertexes. Now I got a nice edge which picks up the highlights when I render in V-Ray.
Love your work man.
One feature request: Allow the operation to be undone.
Unfortunately, the only thing you can do today is to 'UNDO' right after the operation.
But your idea is interesting, assuming the development of another macro, say, SharpEdges, where you would select the side faces and then asks for joining them (as plane intersection), removing any round junctions.
RayOchoa, I didn't make eacht half a component because I wanted to delete each and every line that is a result of pasting the two halves together and because of some non-symetrical parts. It's all done now, with the model being 20.9MB, but she renders quite nice
Fredo, do you have paypal? I would like to make a small contribution for your efforts
Fredo! This is a great script. I really thought I could get along without it,
boy was I wrong! -
@unknownuser said:
Unfortunately, the only thing you can do today is to 'UNDO' right after the operation.
But your idea is interesting, assuming the development of another macro, say, SharpEdges, where you would select the side faces and then asks for joining them (as plane intersection), removing any round junctions.
If I undo right after the operation it only undo each drawing operation the script did. I'd have to press undo many times to restore the mesh.