Global Texture Replace
I a trying to replace the textures with a texture that already exists in the model for example :
There are window components in the model that use blue glass and some that use gray glass. I'd like to change them all to one colour - gray glass. -
You might have to explode one of the components before you do this:
Right click one face with tha material you want to replace->select->all with same material
Then open the materials browser, select the material you want to paint on to replace it with and then paint it on to one of the selected faces. This should change the material.
edit: just tested and it doesnt work through groups/components, so either you can explode all the components or try and find another solution.
If you are using components, just edit ONE with the blue glass and paint the blue glass with the grey colour you used in the other components. All component instances will be changed accordingly.
or just use the "match colour on screen" or "match colour of object in model" method with the texture to change selected (you gave me that tip once, Gaieus
on the other hand - you then still have two different colours (that look alike)
I am trying to simplify a very crowded colour palette so I can export and render more easily. There are 150 materials in the file, over 400 component definitions and 250 odd groups, it's a big project. Many of the components are from other projects and have different colours basically for the same thing: window componets with 6 different coulours of glass every tree component has a 2 different colours of green etc. I would like to be able to select a material in an object or on the palette and be able to replace that material in all objects to which it is applied in the project: grouped objects objects in components, everywhere it occurs. Many of the materials I can't even find when I look through the geometry.
@sab said:
I am trying to simplify a very crowded colour palette so I can export and render more easily. There are 150 materials in the file, over 400 component definitions and 250 odd groups, it's a big project. Many of the components are from other projects and have different colours basically for the same thing: window componets with 6 different coulours of glass every tree component has a 2 different colours of green etc. I would like to be able to select a material in an object or on the palette and be able to replace that material in all objects to which it is applied in the project: grouped objects objects in components, everywhere it occurs. Many of the materials I can't even find when I look through the geometry.
It has been on my wish list for some time to be able to do this through the material editor! Similarly I would like the option upon importing a new component where similarly named materials are present to be asked "A material GREEN FLOOR TILE already exists in the model, do you wish to:
A. Rename the new material,
B. Replace the new material with the existing one,
C. Replace the existing material with the new one,
D. Take a coffee break and think about this for a while?When importing numerous components that contain say "Furniture Chrome" as i often do I can end up with numerous materials named Furniture Chrome1...8 - frustrating!
The other functionality I would like to see implemented is the option when deleting a material from the material editor is to be able to select the material to be used instead of applying just the default as only allowed now!
choose a new material, press maj and click on the color to change, that changes all similar colors
This script [ : Global_Material_Change.rb] probably does what you want... BUT there are several built in ways to do this too - like renaming and changing a material's setting so everything using that is changed.
This script works on a selection [or if there is no selection it uses all active entities]...
You can choose any material that's loaded in the model and also choose <Default>, or << ALL >> which will change all materials in the selection to the new one - that's useful if you want to remove all materials from something and go to say the <Default> material...
Thanks TIG,
This helped a lot. I still have some issues though and I've sent a PM with a couple of questions. -
I'm with you on your wish list item, either as a part of sketchup or as part of a script that could intercept a model being inserted and execute an action like TIG's script above. -
I am a great fan of drag-and-drop actions (even if I am no mac fan
a cool option would be just to drag a material and drop it onto another, which brings up a prompt if you want to replace the material with the dropped one...
cool, isn't it?
@plot-paris said:
I am a great fan of drag-and-drop actions (even if I am no mac fan
a cool option would be just to drag a material and drop it onto another, which brings up a prompt if you want to replace the material with the dropped one...
cool, isn't it?