Inverse Selection - where is it?
ok, cool.. i'm glad i'm getting my point across now.. i admit, i'm no wordsmith.
the thing about what's logical or not is confusing because sketchup deals with it two different ways.. if i use edit -> select all (βA) or the select tool's window to encompass everything, then the hidden lines remain hidden and unselected (unless i have hidden geometry turned on)... if i use a triple click, then it includes everything including the hidden geometry...
i'm basing mine off the first choice but the other one makes just as much sense to me.. i just hope both situations are easy to deal with in ruby language (which i know Absolutely zero about) -
Ah yes, triple select always selects hidden geometry as well. I haven't figured out its logic in this but there may be one.
However I'm a total non-programmer so I can only use scripts.
Now I see...
Here v1.1 - it works the same as before, BUT if the selection includes faces then it now assumes you want to include those faces' edges in the selection (visible/hidden/smoothed) even if you haven't explicitly picked any edges: then when it inverts the selection (and say you delete the now selected stuff) any previously selected faces AND their edges are retained...
Feedback please...
Gaieus - you might want to move this to the Ruby realms...
works fine when you delete
but when you hide seems curious result
(hidden geometry was enable for select facett then disable after selection and only 2 facets were selected)Edited : all works fine, it was only result when you click on the selected facetts!
@tig said:
...Gaieus - you might want to move this to the Ruby realms...
Yeah, it makes sense - "done".
Thanks for the update, TIG! -
@ TIG,
that's just fantastic what you're doing here.
I face a problem an two minutes later it's been solved thanks to your script. Great -
Curious, has the selection behavior of hidden geom changed in recent versions?
@jim said:
Curious, has the selection behavior of hidden geom changed in recent versions?
What/how do you mean?
Just my mind being illogical - it makes sense that hidden geoms are included when inverting the selection.
It always feels like hidden geoms should not be included in the active_entities collection. -
@jim said:
Just my mind being illogical - it makes sense that hidden geoms are included when inverting the selection.
hidden geometry (by my logic at least) shouldn't come into the equation unless you have it turned on.. otherwise, it should remain hidden..
that said, this script will still mess with hidden geometry.. if i draw a cube and a sphere, hide the cube, select the sphere, then invert the selection... the hidden cube will become selected..
in my mind, when something is hidden, it should mean that no operations affect it.. it should be ignored..
using the sphere/cube example again.. if i hide the cube and do a 'select all', only the sphere(which is visible) will be selected.. that's how it should work i think.
[and the same could be said for a window select operation.. if something is hidden and i do a window select over it, it shouldn't be selected because i've chosen to hide it]
@unknownuser said:
hidden geometry (by my logic at least) shouldn't come into the equation unless you have it turned on.. otherwise, it should remain hidden..
I agree from a user point of view; alttough I can see it both ways. I meant it's logical when using the Ruby API. Otherwise, there would be no way to reference hidden entities.
But the API can access whether Hidden Geometry is on or not..
I recently wrote a plugin that will hide all unselected entities:
For some of you, this is what you are trying to accomplish by inverting the selection.
I'm pretty sure I first inverted the selection, and then hid geometry, so you are welcome to look at the code and modify (or add a menu option).
Karen -
This is an old post, but it comes up first on a google search for "Sketchup, invert selection". What I do is select the entire entity that I only want part of (usually a big spiral with 1000s of segments) and then hold down the shift key (you'll see the little + and - sign indicating you can add or subtract elements now) and I'll subtract the pieces I want to keep. Once they have been removed from the selection, I'll delete everything else.
So, "inverse" for me means start by selecting everything as opposed to only selecting the things you want, once you have selected everything unselect the things you want to keep.
Not quite what we're after though trip- imagine doing that with 1000 polys and lines by hand
InverseSelection is awesome. How'd I go so long without it? Thanks TIG.
@thomthom said:
@pvbuero said:
two minutes later
...and two years later there is a reply...
And yet another TEN years later there is another reply
I am truly sorry that I so often come so late! I seem to have missed the best 10 years of sketchup, or rather pf the entire internet.
Because today the formerly glorious internet has become a close-popups-close-autoplay-vids-close-cookie-confirmations-close-accept-privacy-not-accepted-close-your-eyes-or-suffer NIGHTMARE.
No, I am here to say: TIG, you ARE the man, indeed! SO MANY beyond-genious-beyond-cool-solutions I see from you! TIG for President!
aka get rid of the current joke, yeah.
Invert Selection is now native for SketchUp 2019.2 and later.
You'll find the command on the right-click context menu for the Select Tool.See
@unknownuser said:
Invert Selection. Just like the title suggests, it's the small things that help your workflow! This new feature will allow you to select anything, then invert the selection of objects. This makes it simple to select items and then perform actions on their inverse. The keyboard shortcut for this will be: CTRL + SHIFT + I (Windows) or CMD + SHIFT + I (Mac).