I'll show you mine, if you show me yours?
Well, it's easy for the Dutch - it's all flat there...
awesome coen....
Is that your office Coen?
I've got to give honorable mention to my favorite old beater - the '86 Country Squire. It was just too fun, especially in the winter, to not worry about driving over the occasional curb, or through the woods, or ramming the occasional snow bank. And oh, the fun of rear-wheel drive in the Wisconsin winters - one time I actually took a phone call start to finish while spinning donuts in a huge open parking lot. Immature, you say? Yes, I suppose so, but oh boy was it fun
Now I've got to apologize to those of you who are doing your part to save the planet. I'm afraid I am not doing my part with this one... My dad and I have been working together on our '69 Mustang for 17 years now - he bought it when I was 10 years old. We plan to paint it this winter. We've fixed or replaced just about everything but the rear-end gears and the paint. Rebuilt the engine a few years ago (351 Cleveland - for those of the metric persuasion, that's about 5.85 Liters after after a slight bore and stroke job) and put in a Tremec T5WC manual trans. We decided a long time ago that it's better to get the mechanicals in order before painting it up to look pretty. Nothing against those who choose to do it in a different order, but I didn't want to have the beautiful paint job with blue smoke coming out the tailpipe... or sitting broken down on the side of the road (though I had my share of those experiences too). I've learned a lot over the years from my dad while working on it. Some more details for those who might care to know: I estimate it's putting out 360hp and 390ft-lbs torque - never had it on a dyno or timed it at a track. My dad and I also designed and fabricated Shelby-style tractions bars.
Before the local activists track me down and let the air out of my tires, I will note that I often drive my wife's car to work to offset my mileage at least a little bit. And I ride my bike whenever I can, too. The car is an '05 Hyundai Elantra. It's dark blue - if you want to see it, type the following into Google image search "dark blue 2005 hyundai elantra".The bike is a Yukon Giant - nothing special, but it's been good to me and is tough enough to survive 5 years on the UW-Madison campus (45,000 students makes for a lot of bikes on the bike racks and I've seen plenty of bike skeletons laying chained to a rack due to negligence or vandalism).
Nick -
@mike lucey said:
PS: A couple of weeks ago my friend's girlfriend
asked me if I knew what was the difference between
a Porsche and a Porcupine ...... I'm still trying to
figure it outI'm sure you've figured it out already Mike. I think she must have been upset with you, see below for the answer, incase you're still wondering...
In the case of a porcupine, the pricks are on the outside. So I think she was insulting you. -
those are some sick looking bikes! i like the red one with the white tail, really intense!
would you belive ive never ridden a bike before?!
I hate CraigD now...
he works at Google... working on the greatest program ever...
he has a garage with more toys than a child on christmas...
he lives in colorado in a wooded area obviously...
his econo car has more horse power than my V8 Truck.
and he's like "bruce lee" healthy...
oh yeah and he's sooo nice... ewww
I bet $100.00 his wife is some super model, and his kids are prolly 5 grades ahead of their age and say things like yes sir and yes ma'am.
yupper you're my new nemisis...
just teasing of course... you're living the life Graig enjoy it... as I'm sure you do...
"The best is a "rain demo". In the rain, the tires slip very predictively and can actually maximize the car's acceleration without being overwhelmed with all wheel traction. In other words, I can slide the car, and while all fours wheels slide in a drift, the turbo continues to spool smoothly and when the tires completely hook up, the turbo is at full spool at max torque...it's like being shoved sideways and then shot off an aircraft carrier!! She's a good car!
Edit: Sorry Deleted the first part of your post, mistaken the edit button for the qoute button damnit. Im really sorry it's getting late...
Haa haa!! Thanks Kris...oh, and here is a picture of my wife (P.S. She's the Director of QA and Tech Support at Electric Rain http://www.erain.com/ so she's pretty damn smart too!)
Yeah, I'm a lucky dude. Funny thing is, the harder I work, the luckier I get!
- CraigD
hot wife on bike no less...