I'll show you mine, if you show me yours?
Like Susan, I went to the web for an image, but here's a near copy of my "8". Fourth, and best, Mazda I've owned, and the first brand new car I've owned in 25 years.
@mike lucey said:
PS: A couple of weeks ago my friend's girlfriend
asked me if I knew what was the difference between
a Porsche and a Porcupine ...... I'm still trying to
figure it outI'm sure you've figured it out already Mike. I think she must have been upset with you, see below for the answer, incase you're still wondering...
In the case of a porcupine, the pricks are on the outside. So I think she was insulting you. -
this is my ford fiesta 2006. cheap, economic, confortable.
165,000 miles and going strong. We have a lot of Summer fun practically living out of this SUV; camping, biking, hiking, festivals and all. Also very good in Wisconsin Winters. Very practical and comfortable vehicle.
Took me a little while to join this thread...here's most of my two-wheeled fleet! ...anybody wanna race?
- CraigD
those are some sick looking bikes! i like the red one with the white tail, really intense!
would you belive ive never ridden a bike before?!
Our friends at PPB have a similar thread- Thought I would share my "special" ride here too.
Nice weiner car! Here's how I roll if I need to be on 4 wheels. At sea level with 93 octane fuel and boost map I was pushing out 300 bhp and 290 lb/ft of torque! She flies...for a car!
- CraigD
I hate CraigD now...
he works at Google... working on the greatest program ever...
he has a garage with more toys than a child on christmas...
he lives in colorado in a wooded area obviously...
his econo car has more horse power than my V8 Truck.
and he's like "bruce lee" healthy...
oh yeah and he's sooo nice... ewww
I bet $100.00 his wife is some super model, and his kids are prolly 5 grades ahead of their age and say things like yes sir and yes ma'am.
yupper you're my new nemisis...
just teasing of course... you're living the life Graig enjoy it... as I'm sure you do...
"The best is a "rain demo". In the rain, the tires slip very predictively and can actually maximize the car's acceleration without being overwhelmed with all wheel traction. In other words, I can slide the car, and while all fours wheels slide in a drift, the turbo continues to spool smoothly and when the tires completely hook up, the turbo is at full spool at max torque...it's like being shoved sideways and then shot off an aircraft carrier!! She's a good car!
Edit: Sorry Deleted the first part of your post, mistaken the edit button for the qoute button damnit. Im really sorry it's getting late...
Haa haa!! Thanks Kris...oh, and here is a picture of my wife (P.S. She's the Director of QA and Tech Support at Electric Rain http://www.erain.com/ so she's pretty damn smart too!)
Yeah, I'm a lucky dude. Funny thing is, the harder I work, the luckier I get!
- CraigD
hot wife on bike no less...
Somebody owes you a hundred bucks!
Oh yeah, we have dogs, no kids...but they're pretty smart ones! My wife does agility with our Blue Healer/Husky mix, and the other is a Sheltie...a real cutie!
By the way, those wooded shots where back in Massachusetts...but there are trees here too.
We live well...work very hard, play just as hard and treat everyone we meet with respect and kindness. Humility is one of life's best gifts.
I'm happy to share my good fortune with my friends! If you're ever in Boulder, you've got a friend!
- CraigD
@unknownuser said:
"The best is a "rain demo". In the rain, the tires slip very predictively and can actually maximize the car's acceleration without being overwhelmed with all wheel traction. In other words, I can slide the car, and while all fours wheels slide in a drift, the turbo continues to spool smoothly and when the tires completely hook up, the turbo is at full spool at max torque...it's like being shoved sideways and then shot off an aircraft carrier!! She's a good car!
The way you describe it already gives me that; shift and burn rubber feeling, sounds more than awesome.
Thanks Rob! It's my favorite way to enter a main street from a stop with a wet road and a new passenger!
They start breathing again after a few seconds!
- CraigD
my real father lives in Pagosa Springs... although he partakes in a line of work I don't much agree with... he's a big game hunting guide, in the Iron Worker off season. I guess it's the Tsalagi in us, but I just don't see a reason to kill wild animals unless you're starving.
so now I have a reason to go to Colorado... and now I have a friend... can I call you at home? I've never had a friend before. can we be bestest friends? I will love him, and pet him, and I will call him George...
btw, have you been to, I think it's called "devils head" or "devils face" fire look out station?
respect and humility huh... I should try that... then maybe people won't call me jerk all the time... lol
@craigd said:
Thanks Rob! It's my favorite way to enter a main street from a stop with a wet road and a new passenger!
They start breathing again after a few seconds!
- CraigD
I only had that happen to me once, I was a passenger in my uncle's car it was something like this car:
Well no problem with that car it doesn't go all that fast or anything, does accelerate fast.
However my uncle was a pro-go cart driver, and he drove some serious carts back in his day, and that driving style he adopted during his career of go-carting found it's way into his normal driving style.
When we took that roundabout he was near the edge of a drift, and I mean VERY much near the edge, and he was actually gaining on several cars on that roundabout, he managed to find his way from the most left lane to the utmost right line (four lanes) during some pretty heavy traffic in that 3/4 of a circle we were making on that roundabout. It wasn't even that big of a roundabout and he slammed on it with 80kmph, I nearly shit myself then. But he had full control all of the time it was so awesome
@sorgesu said:
Too lazy to take a picture so I found one on the net.
1997 Ford Escort, Green, Bought it when it was 3 months old from a dealer as a repo
Susan!!! I drive exactly the same car!! Same color!!