Roof.rb v1
@alpro said:
TIG, here's a screen shot of my ruby console.
MikeI've posted v1.1 that fixes your problem =
Replace the current version with this one.At least that error report is fixed. Now for some other errors...
@unknownuser said:
...I have tried the script as you asked and have posted the results.
I tried Gable Ended Roof and Hipped Roof.
Gable ended I picked the top face and one edge and got the attached error
Hipped roof I get the following info in the ruby box...The previous post links to an updated version v1.1 that fixes the A:B glitch. The Gable and Pyramid tools only let you work on a horizontal rectangle. Sometimes what appears to be a rectangle isn't (as far as Ruby is concerned) I'm trying to come up with a 'tolerance' method...
TIG, I'm still getting the same errors, after replacing the current version. Thanks for the quick reply to last post though. Hope you get it figured out, let me know if you need any additional info in reguards to my computer specs. Thanks.
Sorry, must of did something wrong the first time, can produce a hip roof now but when I try anything else I get the following. Thanks again, this definitely can be a very useful script.
Thanks TIG, the new script now works perfectly - What a great Ruby!
@alpro said:
TIG, I'm still getting the same errors, after replacing the current version. Thanks for the quick reply to last post though. Hope you get it figured out, let me know if you need any additional info in regards to my computer specs. Thanks.
MikeAre you sure you overwrote v1.0 with v1.1 ?
No matter... put this attached file into you Plugins folder. It should fix the problem either way... -
Tig, just ran a couple gable roofs with the new spin. It worked with the default setup, with pitch entered, I played with the eaves a bit, think she is looking good..
I want to congratulate you...humbly...this is like a grand slam. I am really looking forward to putting this roof tool through it's paces. Thanks -
Hi Tig
First off - many thanks for the script it looks great.
However at the moment I don't appear to be able get it to do anything at all.
I am using an iMAC & Sketchup Pro and when I select a horizontal face on the top of a box & go to the plugins folder & pick roof - hipped roof then nothing happens at all - I don't even get the first dialogue box.
If I select a face & gable edge & pick Gable ended roof then I get the message
'You must select one horizontal RECTANGULAR [= right-angled] face, and one edge (that's at the 'gable') !' even though this is what I have done. I have tried just about every combination of edges & faces to no avail.If you need any further info then let me know.
Regards Dave -
Have you downloaded v1-1 that fixes some errors ?
This should get you somewhere. However, the accuracy of the 'rectangle' checking is perhaps causing some problems and I'm looking at ways of building in some 'tolerance'. Have you simply drawn a rectangle 'on the floor' and tried that ?
Hi Tig
Yes I downloaded v1 & I have tried drawing a rectangle on the floor but with exactly the same results.
I had to rename the the V1 download as I have the problem that all downloads apart from zipped files come in as 'download.php'. The original was okay as it came in a zipped file.
I presume the v1 file is still named roof.rbmany thanks Dave
@davekn said:
Hi Tig
Yes I downloaded v1 & I have tried drawing a rectangle on the floor but with exactly the same results.
I had to rename the the V1 download as I have the problem that all downloads apart from zipped files come in as 'download.php'. The original was okay as it came in a zipped file.
I presume the v1 file is still named roof.rbmany thanks Dave
Try the v1.1 zip to be sure...
Hi Tig
Sorry - I have just tried that as well.
Same result.Dave
TIG, version 1.1 only worked on the Hipped and Mansard, not on the Gable or Pyramid. I went to church, went for a walk, tried it again and it works... hmmm.
Anyway, for now all 4 roofs work. Thanks a bunch. I can see me using this one quite a bit.
TIG, I can get all four roofs to work some of the time, pretty much hit or miss,even tried a rectangle on the floor as you suggested to davekn, it seems to work better when I try to put a roof over a square instead of a rectangle, works pretty much all of the time, so I'm guessing that you are correct in thinking of some rectangle tolerance method. Still a great script though, thanks.
Well as I said, on my XP machine they are all working fine with 1.1.
On my vista machine, the hipped roof works ok, none of the others will.
These errors must be making your brain hurt TIG!
They do (aaargh) especially when I don't get any errors on XP or Vista set-ups almost exactly like yours ...
BUT it shall be sorted ! -
Here's v1.2. Click here:
There's now a slight tolerance in checking if the face to make a gable or pyramid roof is rectangular. If the sides are out by less than ~0.2mm in 1000mm it'll still work. However, in that case you might get gables not lining perfectly with the block below.I hope this now addresses a few problems. Keep the feedback coming...
Tried the version 2 but still no luck.
Now when I pick the face & edge I dont get the dialogue box I had before about 'needing to pick a face & edge', but nothing else happens - no box to add the information required for eaves etc.
Tried a rectangle on the floor & a square on the floor.
Tried all the different types of roof.
Is there anybody else on the forum who has a Mac & is getting the script to work? I am now worried I am doing something really stupid & missing something out.Thanks for all the effort.
Dave -
TIG, the latest version seems to work alot better, only problem I'm having is with the gable roofs, they all seem to come up a little short. Keep up the good work. Thanks again for a great script.
TIG, v1.2 is working flawlessly on my work computer.