Closing Groups and Components after edit
Is there a command to close multiple groups and components with one click or menu selection?
I am working on this house, and I have deep levels of groups and components, when I need to make a minor adjustment to an deep lying entity, that is like ten levels down i want to get back out quick and I have to close each instance. is there a command to close all real fast? I see the close group/component under the Edit menu, but this is a one-at-a-time command.
thanks -
u could always keyboard shortcut it (i use 'end') but i guess ur still tapping the same button u can also click outside the component to get out of the grup/component ur editting
i know it doesnt quite answer the question but its a bit of a solution -
The top-level object listed in the Outliner (Window > Outliner) is the file name of the model. Just click on it and you'll pop all the way out of your nested groups.
thank you gully
yes what gully said, and don't forget to use your layers too... a quick way to turn off areas just so you can work deeper without being in groups and components
Actually, you don't have to go to the top of the outliner - just click in any white space and it will take you out to the top.