[Tutorial > Modeling] How a Pro Builds a House in SU pt 1
I bleive that's in the modelinfo dialog box...
goto Window>Model Info>Units
then angle units and Precision and snapping
that should do it...
you are right, and I go there daily, have not ever seen it... thanks
hi all,
im having probs with step 6. after making the rectangle i then cant see the jpg plan as its under neath. so no matter how much i right click i cant see the "Use image blah blah" option.
Any ideas what im doing wrong?
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at this point it is best to right click on your image, and select use image as texture, then apply the texture to the rectangle... now continue tracing...
oh i have placed the rectangle to one side this time. I have managed to get the jgp in the matrial library by the right click methof - but when i paint bucket the material to the recangle nothing happens - i cant see the image. can see other materials if i try those though.....
hmm i have now done it but not sure how - restarted it. maybe it was groups problem.
had to flip the image as it was mirrored but looks ok now.
thanks for you help!
you may have problems like this, after applying the texture to the rectangle, then right click on the rectangle and select "texture>Position> then flip, rotate, move until it fits correctly.
this help?
@krisidious said:
step 11
repeat this process for your foundation, your first level and your second level and third...by 'repeat' are you referring to steps 1-10 for each page of the plans by importing an image of each page than scale, trace, copy, layer?
yes that's what I meant...
Hi Kristoff,
I only just found this thread and I'm finding it very useful indeed as I'm modelling my house in order to plan various improvements and alterations to services etc. I've got about six versions so far in various stages of completion which I realise is going to cause me major problem. Your tip about layers will be invaluable. Going right back to the beginning, would I be right in assuming that you could treat an imported 2D .DWG file in exactly the same way as you've used a .jpg image ?
Thanks again for all your great input.Bigyin
yes you could use the dwg file, although you would explode it and make the actual lines of the dwg into SU lines.
Thanks for that Kristoff. I think I'm gonna restart my model as I have a .DWG that friend produced and following your approach will help me keep the versions much better organised.
start a thread in the gallery and post your work as you go, people will stop by and drop encouraging notes and advice that you can't find by asking, the kind that pops into their head while they see your progress.
good luck.
I am having problems with step 4.
What do you mean when you say open the group?
If you mean edit, I am editing the group and measuring with the tape measure, but it is not asking me to resize the group?
BTW- I am using the free version of SketchUp.
Thanks from an aspiring SU user!
after measuring a lined that you have drawn, you type in the box on the lower right hand of your screen, the measurment that you wish the line to become.
does that help?
I am doing that and it is only making a construction point where the measurement would be?
Don't bother with the construction point!
Do as Kris told:Do the measurement, click second time and before doing anything else, just start typing the desired measure (don't put your mouse into the VCB and click - just type) When finished, hit Enter and answer the question that pops up.
if you are at scale already... then that's a videocard issue... if it's not to scale it may be clipping, to fix that a known GSU issue, you'll have to turn off the perspective view and use parallel view.
@krisidious said:
if you are at scale already... then that's a videocard issue... if it's not to scale it may be clipping, to fix that a known GSU issue, you'll have to turn off the perspective view and use parallel view.
Well I am at scale already.
On the existing plan that I made a material out of, I can zoom all the way in and it is at scale already?
if you are in the top view... square
and you have parallel view enabled...
and you still have this issue, I would say you need a better videocard or at very least to update your video card drivers...