Tiny house steps
Hi, I came across this and thought I would share as there is a few people here that are interested in tiny houses. I do not animate in sketchup. would this be doable to animate in SU?
https://www.facebook.com/watch?v=2333608473688220 -
I wouldn't trust that with kids pounding up and down it a few times a day. Clever though.
I am confidently/strongly assuming a tiny houses are not for families with children, common sense
It is 'clever' but...
Sorry, I have a few issues...
No handrail[s] or side balustrade - a potential death-trap, or at least severe injury risk to kids, the elderly, or anyone who's had a few life-enhancing drinks of other substances.
The gaps in the risers - a potential death-trap, or at least severe injury risk to kids.
The treads do no overlap by about 1"/25mm to form a safe 'nosing'.
The remaining thickness of the cut relatively thin plywood 'stringer' [to the outside of the flight] is quite small and it would need only one to crack/break to cause a catastrophic failure and collapse.
In addition - the first floor seems to have no fire-resistant construction, and also what stops the whole thing 'unfolding' from the wall and 'dropping', in a way that might endanger someone e.g. a kid ?
So you won't be seeing me making one like this anytime soon... -
I agree that this form of construction would be for limited access housing. If you consider a small single bedroom home with no need for child or constant use, it looks sharp. I have a lot of use of yacht stair types in my small home designs and frankly see no problem with it. This could be considered as loft access and how many times does anyone access their loft? Just as those who tell me that, "In the USa, people box in their fridge freezer",,, I get it but, I do not live in the USA so, consider the value of a limited use product and how it might be of valkue WITH that limited access.
My 1970 VW, had an engine that IS less than 100% environmentally friendly but, considering the additnional energy consumed by a new BEV, was at least as good over the whole life. If not better, considering the reduction in use of exotic metals.......