Plugins as a source of bugsplat etc.
OK, something as old as the hills perhaps.
Used to be uninstall and the reinstall one at a time until the problem plugin is found.
I am trying to get a copy of the bugsplat to see if this can be shortcut especially with the bundles system.
It might also be of use to plugin writers perhaps.
Can anyuone point me at a method to read bugsplat reports please?
You can see what is sent in the BugSplat by clicking the view details button on the report dialog. The details are very technical, basically an OS crash dump report, so not useful to anyone who is not an expert. Also, if the crash is due to an issue with a Ruby extension, although one can sometimes verify that Ruby was the cause, it is not possible to tell which specific extension was responsible. Further, there is often an interaction between extensions to blame but the crash report only tells you about what one of them was doing at the time.
Uninstalling half at a time is a much more efficient process than doing it one at a time. Basically log2(n) vs n.