Toposhaper Problems
Hi everyone, I am new to sketchup and seem to be struggling with Toposhaper.
I'm trying to create a terrain from spot elevations. Once I've gerenated a trimesh terrain, I separated the contours, and attempted to generate a quad mesh only to get the following error.
Date: 11-Mar-22 16:32:26
An error occurred in CLEANSING
The operation is fully abortedcannot hide layer that is a part of the active path
body_lib6tool.rbe:: 2538 -- visible=
body_lib6tool.rbe:: 2538 -- block in switch_to_temp_layer
body_lib6tool.rbe:: 2537 -- each
body_lib6tool.rbe:: 2537 -- switch_to_temp_layer
toposhapertool.rbe:: 1391 -- change_view
toposhapertool.rbe:: 1358 -- set_preview_working
toposhapertool.rbe:: 544 -- cleansing_processing
toposhapertool.rbe:: 523 -- after_selection
toposhapertool.rbe:: 493 -- notify_edge_picked
body_lib6edgepicker.rbe:: 539 -- call
body_lib6edgepicker.rbe:: 539 -- notify_action
body_lib6edgepicker.rbe:: 595 -- terminate_current_selection
toposhapertool.rbe:: 658 -- execute_validate
toposhapertool.rbe:: 387 -- handle_initial_selection
toposhapertool.rbe:: 319 -- activate
toposhapertool.rbe:: 133 -- select_tool
toposhapertool.rbe:: 133 -- action__mapping
lib6plugin.rbe:: 142 -- call
lib6plugin.rbe:: 142 -- launch_action
lib6plugin.rbe:: 244 -- launch_action
bootstrap_toposhaper.rbe:: 83 -- launch_action
bootstrap_toposhaper.rbe:: 149 -- block in startup
lib6plugin.rbe:: 1407 -- command_invoke
lib6plugin.rbe:: 1388 -- block (2 levels) in build_config_commands
lib6traductor.rbe:: 1378 -- block in add_commandI have attached a screen grab to show where I've got to.
Any help is hugely appreciated. SketchUp is a steep learning curve for me but I am determined to understand it.
Kind regards
It would help to have the model.
But I think that, when you process the contours for quadmesh processing, you are INSIDE the group of the contours. Try to go outside the group and simply select the group and launch TopoShaper QuadMesh.
I have quite a similar problem. At first run, the same error message appears. Then after running again, the generation dialog appears for a split second and diappears without doing nor showing anything. It used to work fine before but now I cannot use it. I have tried putting contours without materials in a brand new group all in the Untagged tag but it doesn't work.
Sketchup 2021. All plugins and libraries updated. Usage under bundle purchase.
Please help.
The error appears when you luanch TopoShaper from inside the group where the contours or the cloud points are. Just go one level up and select the group instead.
Hello everyone,
I have a problem using toposhaper with my points cloud . I attached herein the file for reference. A QS has drawn from the study land and profiled the topo points in 3D. When importing in sketchup, they appear thus in 3D. However when launching toposhaper, I have this message (when the whole points cloud is grouped) : Selection does not contain Guide Points ; or an alert icon (when the points cloud is exploded).I'd be really grateful if you can help,
Best regards,
Can you check if the Construction points are themselves enclosed in individual groups, or if there is an intermediate group.
Also, verify that the Contruction points are real Sketchup Guide Points and not crosses drawn with 2 segments.
Possibly, you may attach the skp file to your answer.
Good afternoon @fredo6,
Thank you very much for your prompt answer. Please find in the attached the file itself as per your request.
Best regards,
@francoisvienne1 Your points are components instanced at the required altitude.
Edit the component containing the component instances. Explode the guide point components so you have guides point realised into the model space.
Exit group and then try generating terrain mesh.
Good morning @Rich-O-Brien,
Fantastic ! Thank you so much for your help !
See you on the forum chat,
Best regards,