[Plugin] Slicer5
Please contact me through my IG account j.margulis
Would really like to have a conversation about some ideas that might help you in your process -
how to downlode it....?
@dreamdesignar said:
how to downlode it....?
Install the Sketchucation Extension Store tool, search for Slicer5 and press the Install button.
@dave r said:
@dreamdesignar said:
how to downlode it....?
Install the Sketchucation Extension Store tool, search for Slicer5 and press the Install button.
Thank you so much Dave!
travelagu.io -
buenas , tengo un problema con slicer5 a la hora de exportar a DXF , a PNG no tengo problema pero cuando quiero exportar a DXF me sale un archivo pdf y un block de notas , en el ordenador que lo tenia instalado antes no tenia problemas en la carpeta de DXF aparecian los 12 o 13 archivos DXF sin embargo en el ordenador nuevo en la carpeta DXF me sale un archivo pdf y un block de notas , ojala me podais ayudar , gracias de antemano
Can you try with a very very simple sliced model, and zip the PDF and DXF results and post it here or send it to me in a Chat [PM]...
Do you see any error messages in the Ruby Console ? -
buenas , gracias por la respuesta , no se como enviar chat jajajaj

espero que se vean
@martinguillermo11 What version of SketchUp are you using on this new computer ?
It must be 'Pro' to have built-in DXF export... Otherwise it'll be PDF ?Can you manually export things as DXF ?
Are there any other error messages or Ruby-Console output ?
sketchup pro 2023
no , acabo de probar y no medeja manualmente
no hay mas mensajes
en el pdf que me sale adjunto , habla sobre fredo spline , pero no se a que se refiere , es neceserio comprar fredospline
un saludo
@martinguillermo11 Failing to export DXFs at all is a symptom of something other than Slicer5 !
Have you tried repairing SketchUp/Layout ?
Doing this will not affect your extensions, other settings, licenses etc.
Follow these steps...
Close SketchUp/Layout.
Find the SketchUp installer's exe file - usually in Downloads, but if you have deleted it you can always download another copy from sketchup.com.
Select the installer's exe file's icon, right-click > context-menu > "Run as administrator"
When prompted choose "Repair"
After it completes restart you computer and see if anything has improved...Installing a complex app in Windows by double-clicking on its icon to "Run" it is not the same as doing it as I described - even if you have admin powers - it can cause all kinds of unpredictable weirdness, perhaps including your DXF exporter missing...
@TIG de acuerdo , probare a ver que pasa , cuando encuentre el problema y lo solucione lo pondre por aqui , por si a algun otro neofito en el tema le sirve jajajaj
hey im using slicer but and its working good but when i check yes on adding outline to adjacent part its crashes on export to dxf any idea why?
But please repeat this with the Ruby Console open and report any messages...If you don't export to DXF are the pieces made as you expect, with the outlines etc ?
So I know this is an old topic but maybe someone can help me. I have a solid entity with 1440 cu ft of volume shown when I check on entity info.
I need to adjust this volume along a specific axis maintaining relative dimensions so slicer seemed like a perfect tool to do this. It worked great slicing up the volume along the axis in 2" slices.
I then wanted to get the volume of each slice. No can do. All the slices are grouped as a component so I exploded that component. I clicked on one and no volume information. So I thought, well maybe it's got to be a group. I exploded the individual slice and then grouped it. Still no volume info. So one more try I exploded once more, selected all connected and grouped again. Still no volume information.
Am I missing something?
I'm having an issue with the plugin and trying to figure out what I'm doing wrong.
The first two and last two slices always seem to have a smaller gap than the rest, sometimes they'll even overlap. Is there a way around this?
If you object's overall size is not an exact multiple of the spacing & thickness [allowing for the last-most slice/gap], then this will occur.
It looks like the start/end gaps are 1/2 a gap ?Also choosing to centralize the slice can exacerbate this result - try centralizing the gap ?
You can also tweak the start/end insets to adjust the sliced result.Supplying the model would help us see what's what...
@TIG Ah, the multiples will be the issue then, I was just throwing random shapes and spacings and seeing what came out.
Thanks for the help!