Batch conversion from jpg to PNG
Hi All I am trying to batch convert materials from jpg to PNG. I am using windows image converter. The reason I need to do this is that I have files from Globe plants that need to be converted from jpg
to PNG so I get an alpha channel for the leaves of the plants, there are many images Any way I am hoping somebody here may have some experience with this. I have attached an image.
Seems pretty simple, but when I try to use the option overweight existing it just goes back to "click to choose" I assume that means that it will overwrite the Jpg's with the PNG conversion but I cant make it happen any ideas please? -
I use FFMPEG but that requires some setup via the terminal.
You could use Riot to batch process too...
JPG to PNG will bloat file size
I've used the Batch Image Manipulation Plugin with Gimp and it works pretty fast and uses folders. Didn't use it for alpha channels.
This is the link for BIMP:
Thanks guys