Make layer visible or invisible in all scenes
I had an extension called, "turn on tag in all scenes" enabled in sketchup.
It would ask me if I wanted to have a tag to be visible or invisible in all scenes. It was not working properly so I deleted it. But now I cannot find the extension. It is great. It allows you to make a layer visible or invisible in all of your scenes.
I know about the extension "auto invisible layer" it allows you to create a new layer and it doesn't turn on in all of your existing layers.
Have you heard of this extension? Where I can find it again?
Never heard of "turn on tags in all scenes". Where would you have gotten it? Maybe the Extension Warehouse? Maybe it is part of some other extension? Did you have it in a previous version of SketchUp? Maybe you still have that version installed and could open it to see what it really is.
Plugin: Add Hidden Layer
Update Apr 2014 - Version 1.0.1 Add a Layer to your SketchUp model and control its visibility on existing and new Scenes. Use Activa...
"Auto Invisible Layer" from the Extension Warehouse -
The plugin "auto invisible layer" will it allow me to select a layer and have it turn on or off in all scenes? It seems this plugin is just when a new tag is created, it will not be visible in all the existing scenes. Which is good BTW. Just looking for more .. thanks.
Maybe I am missing the point but if you CTRL click scenes in the Scene panel and then pick the Visibility in the Tag panel and click Update in the Scenes panel it applies that setting to all selected scenes.
Hi Rich. Thanks for your reply. I don't see a visibility setting(s) choice in my scenes drop down. I am not quite sure what it is that you are suggesting.
Question, I just loaded the extension "Auto Invisible Layer ON/OFF" When I close sketchup do I have to remember to turn this extension on? It seems that way. Maybe I am doing something incorrectly.
You have to activate it when you want it for each SketchUp session. It isn't automatically enabled when you start SketchUp.
@schaferron1 said:
I am not quite sure what it is that you are suggesting.
Yeah, I thought I was barking up the wrong tree. Regardless here's what I mean...
If you use CTRL+LMB to select your scenes then set the visibility for the Tags and click Update it will apply that to the selected scenes. That's just how I've always done it.
Probably not what you are after. But since I am barking I might as well continue howling.
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