SCFLicense: Extension Licensing on Sketchucation
@ullyarquitetura said:
I just bought the Fredo6Bundle2022 licenses
So you have the license for Round Corner and are trying to apply it to FredoCorner. Two different extensions and two different licenses. The bundle includes the license for Round Corner, not FredoCorner.
Hola. Hace dos días compré el paquete de Fredo y ayer recibí los ocho correos electrónicos con los archivos de las licencias de uso; están guardados en una carpeta de mi ordenador tal como se indica en dichos correos (los correos son todos de unos 650 bytes). Al intentar validar estas licencias solo lo he conseguido en tres de ellas; hasta el momento me funcionan siete de las ocho aplicaciones pero RoundCorner no: al intentar valida me sale el mensaje “ Error_F09 “. Lo he intentado de todas las maneras posibles pero ha sido imposible.
También he descargado los archivos de licencia desde la pagina “MiLicences”
Les pido ayuda para solucionar este problema.
Mi version de masOs es la ultima, la 12.3.1
La version de Sketchucation ExtensionStore es la 4.2.6 -
@franciscocarlosr said:
Two days ago I bought the Fredo package and yesterday I received all eight emails with the files of the licenses of use; are stored in a folder on my computer as indicated in those emails (the emails are all about 650 bytes). When trying to validate these licenses I have only succeeded in three of them; so far seven of the eight applications work for me but RoundCorner does not: when I try to validate I get the message "Error_F09 ". I have tried in every possible way but it has been impossible. I have also downloaded the license files from the "MyLiceences" page I ask for your help in solving this problem.
My version of masOs is the latest, 12.3.1 The Sketchucation ExtensionStore version is 4.2.6
Are you trying to license FredoCorner instead of RoundCorner?
@rich o brien said:
@franciscocarlosr said:
Two days ago I bought the Fredo package and yesterday I received all eight emails with the files of the licenses of use; are stored in a folder on my computer as indicated in those emails (the emails are all about 650 bytes). When trying to validate these licenses I have only succeeded in three of them; so far seven of the eight applications work for me but RoundCorner does not: when I try to validate I get the message "Error_F09 ". I have tried in every possible way but it has been impossible. I have also downloaded the license files from the "MyLiceences" page I ask for your help in solving this problem.
My version of masOs is the latest, 12.3.1 The Sketchucation ExtensionStore version is 4.2.6
Are you trying to license FredoCorner instead of RoundCorner?
Solucionado. Ese era el problema, les ruego disculpen a un viejo estúpido
Muchas gracias por la rápida respuesta
I have got an error message A0B when I validate license for Clothworks, how can I solve this issue?
I just bought a Clothworks license however I can't find the license in my licenses php on SketchUcation web site till now. It have been over 8 hours... what I shall do now?
Besides, I still can't activate my clothworks use the file which you mail to me. I already install Sketchucation tools V4.2.6 , what else I can try now? The error code is A0B
Your license file should have been emailed to you as an attachment.
Save it somewhere safe on your computer.
In the licensing section of the extension you should have an option to 'validate' it, using that saved license file on your computer...Please post any subsequent error messages in full...
Desculpe, mas o pagamento pode ser parcelado no cartão?
Hi ! I bought My license for Fredo6 Bundle in MArch, but my license expired on its own after a month but seat was showing occupied. I released the license for curviloft from another system so that I could use it ,but even then the license seat is showing occupied. I would like you to release all my licenses in the bundle.
Hello, sorry it's my first time here. I would love to try to use TopoShaper so I did follow all the steps to download what is needed. When I try to open it from SketchUp Pro 2021 I get a message saying that "Trial period has expired since Tue 05 Apr 2022".
How can this be possible if I downloaded this today, 06 May 2022?Any help would be appreciated
Thanks in advanceGiacomo (from Italy)
Licenses of all installed plugins from fredo 6 bundle (combo of
are showing expired on my system and I cant re validate as its showing seats are occupied.
Do you have the latest version of Lib Fredo and the SketchUcation Toolset installed [v4.2.6] ?
This uses the latest licensing code.
If so, then Fredo might respond with some practical advice... -
@sumitisah said:
Licenses of all installed plugins from fredo 6 bundle (combo of
are showing expired on my system and I cant re validate as its showing seats are occupied.
Licenses have no expiration date. The only limit on licenses is the number of devices that can be used.
Make sure you have the latest releases of Sketchucation Tools and LibFredo installed.
@giacomospiazzi said:
How can this be possible if I downloaded this today, 06 May 2022?
Are you a time traveller?
What version of Sketchucation Tools and LidFredo are you running?
@tig said:
Do you have the latest version of Lib Fredo and the SketchUcation Toolset installed [v4.2.6] ?
This uses the latest licensing code.
If so, then Fredo might respond with some practical advice...Thanks, seems like my sketchucation tool is not updated..the last upgrade was on 28th april and my licenses were showing expired from that day. Let me update it and check if problem is resolved.
@sumitisah said:
@tig said:
Do you have the latest version of Lib Fredo and the SketchUcation Toolset installed [v4.2.6] ?
This uses the latest licensing code.
If so, then Fredo might respond with some practical advice...Thanks, seems like my sketchucation tool is not updated..the last upgrade was on 28th april and my licenses were showing expired from that day. Let me update it and check if problem is resolved.
Ok, so now that I updated my Sketchucation tools on validating my extensions its taking a new seat if available. For my curviloft extension 3 seats were already occupied (one on my current sysytem) so can't validate the license.
Fredo can probably reset your over-used licenses if you PM him the full details...
@tig said:
Fredo can probably reset your over-used licenses if you PM him the full details...
Ok sure . Thanks!