Heinkel Kabine WIP
still adding details...
Jo-Ke - what a great project idea
and to all involved: So good contributions to this great and nice project (even if I, given the hp number of this vehicle, have to question any effort for it!
Nice Joke! Only feedback is the segments on the window fillets.
Jo-Ke , Rich , you guyโs are just killing this !
some more details added:
and added some enviroment of older projects...
A very sharp cooperative project. Sharp as folks.
What a fun subject for modelling. Saw one of these locally in beautiful condition. Great model project.
Bravo to both.
Very cool.
final render of object
With this thread I have learnd, that it is most important to produce the right proxy for subdivision.
What is the secret to get the right mesh?
A new challenge, this time a car of the future, the microlino:
Please show how to produce the mesh and how to get it in 3rd dimension....
Entdecke den Microlino
100% elektrisch. Platz fรผr zwei und alles was du brauchst. Aufladen wie ein Smartphone. Passt quer in jede Parklรผcke und benรถtigt nur 1/3 des Raums. Der Microlino setzt neue Maรstรคbe in Design und Sicherheit. 60% kleinerer Fussabdruck.
jo-ke , the last render of your Heinkel is just stunning
. Now your going to torture yourself with the Microlino ?
You have way more "moxie" than me. Are the last two pics you posted of the Microlino renders of a 3D model ? They sure look like it. -
I donโt know if they are renders, may be?
Do you think, this is a good start?
how do I proceed to the 3rd dimension?
That is my biggest problem!
I am always struggling with this step!!
subdividing, cutting holes, texturing, details, rendering is easy for me but propper proxies ist my main problem!
Very nice start jo-ke.
F.Y.I. Thom Thom had an old post showing his process on a car model , think it was a vintage Dodge Challenger. If memory is right I think you can find a link to it on his Evil Software Empire site ? Might be worth checking out ?
good idea. I will have a look