Stitching Landscape
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No. Vertex tools can help you do it "manually". And I think you have to consider what you mean by "neatly". Many would not consider what you are starting with as "neat", but you could stitch it together anyway and it would work fine for a terrain model IMO. This particular model will result in a noticeable grade break unless you used Artisan or similar to smooth it out afterwards.
If you select just the edges that you want to connect, turn them in to a group, then draw an edge(or an arc/curve) on each end to bridge to gap to create 'closed geometry', you could then use Soap Skin & Bubble and get a mesh created.
You could also use Curviloft: Select just the edges that you want to connect, turn them in to a group, run 'BZ Polyline Segmentor' to create equal segments on both edges, then run Curviloft to bridge the gap.