Follow me
hi I modeled this shape last week with follow me and I want to do another but with different angles
Problem is I can't remember how I did it, could some of you out there help me
I attached the file, I tried to send the dwg but its too big, how do you make it smaller
thanks Dean
@leggy said:
I tried to send the dwg but its too big, how do you make it smaller
It depends on why the file is too big. Impossible to tell from your PDF.
Upload the file to Drop Box or Google Drive and share the link.
I have neither of them, can you have a look at the pdf and come up with an answer?
Here's a picture of the engine in my car. Can you tell me why it won't start?
I looked at your PDF and can't tell enough from it to answer either of your questions. If I could have I wouldn't have asked for your SketchUp model file.
You can set up a free Drop Box account and there are plenty of other file sharing services out there.
ok ive uploaded it to google drive what do I have to do so you can see it
Share the link to it.
I tried putting in Dave R and nothing happened
Copy the link and paste it into a reply here.
/Users/deanlegg/Downloads/Copy of ian bottom bracket 2dwg.dwg
Two problems with that.
That is a link to a file on your computer! There's no way I can access that from my computer.
It's a link to a .dwg file, not a SketchUp file.
If you want help reproducing the SketchUp file, you need to share that file. I'm not sure why you seem to be having such a difficult time with this but it's making it impossible to help you.
hi I appreciate your help, I'm on a Mac, can you run me through how to do what you need thanks
Dave please run me through the procedure
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