SubD examples and models
Box , your spindles are just insane
Thanks Tuna.
The spindles would be another good one for your tips And tricks thread.
Something to keep in mind, SUbD and using quads isn't just about smoothing faces, the quads allow so much more control of the faces that make up your shapes.
The grid structure of the quads let me use Components onto Faces (onto Face Collections) to position all the cones evenly.
I could add and remove loops to thicken areas and thin others very easily too.
Very nice!
I'm happy to see how quad-based workflows have caught on within SketchUp users. For a while I felt like a raving lunatic back when I first created QuadFace Tools.
Always great to see your creations Box!
Yeah something odd happened there Thomas. They look right before using SUbD but you get that odd line of wobble. It was inside so I wasn't too concerned. The QFT convert often needs a bit of fixing.
Do you have the control mesh so I can have a look?
... what a cool idea again Box !! - is this the way you created your cool "galaxy-like flying" lights recently? - somehow with a hidden quad geometry then? but why aren't the prickles(?) inside too?
@teknoel said:
... a custom golf club I cranked ... Fun to model tho.
a well chosen SubD application example, Prima! -
The file is on a different computer, but I'm not sure if I still have the control, I normally unsubd them when I start playing around with them and render, as sometimes it seems to effect the render time.
So I probably saved it unSUbD'd. I'll have a look tomorrow. -
@hornoxx said:
but why aren't the prickles(?) inside too?
It was too much with them inside, needed a bit of contrast. Bit hard on the mollusc too.
@tuna1957 said:
Just some late night fooling around.... made the little... .
then I dare not to imagine what you model when you are well rested in the morning then
Thanks so much Joke - I am very pleased about your late-night exercise
Thank you so much @HornOxx. Seeing your amazing work in this forum has served as a source of inspiration to me. I appreciate your encouragement.