[Plugin][$] RoundCorner - v3.4a - 31 Mar 24
Thank you for that explanation, Fredo. I'm happy to know it'll be a feature in FredoCorner.
It should be possible in FredoCorner (but more complex in RoundCorner).
Again, the result is visually different
Thank you so much Fredo! My years of suffering are over!
I can't wait for the update to fredocorner!
And Dave, I will try 2D tools. Thank you!
@itman496 said:
Thank you so much Fredo! My years of suffering are over!
I can't wait for the update to fredocorner!
I'll publish it later today.
here is the video
Wow! Very good.Thank you!
NEW RELEASE: RoundCorner v3.3a - 18 Dec 18
Requirement: LibFredo6 v8.7a or above
RoundCorner 3.3a is a maintenance release.
Home Page of RoundCorner for information and Download.
About two weeks ago I received an error message about RoundCorner when starting Sketchup 2018 Pro. I didn't save the message, and don't know exactly what it said, but RoundCorner was no longer available. I'm on macOS High Sierra (can't upgrade any higher). I updated Fredo6 to the latest version, restarted Sketchup, and then updated RoundCorner and restarted. The toolbar appears, but is completely unresponsive. I also tried installing FredoCorner. Its toolbar has never appeared, but I can put the icons in my main toolbar. It is also unresponsive.In the "Fredo6 Collection" under Tools both RoundCorner and FredoCorner are showing, along with their menus, but I can't do anything with them. I've been using RoundCorner for years, and can barely function without it (many thanks, Fredo). Please, somebody help!
(I did install through Extension Manager in Sketchup).Thank you, and hope everybody had a Merry Christmas.
You seem to use Sketchup 8. Can you confirm?
Can you open the Ruby Console, and check for error message when you launch RoundCorner.
@fredo6 said:
You seem to use Sketchup 8. Can you confirm?
Can you open the Ruby Console, and check for error message when you launch RoundCorner.
Hello Fredo, I use SU2018 Pro. I did open Ruby Console, and the LibFredo6 plugin seems to be the problem. I installed the latest version through Extension Manager and followed instructions carefully, closing and re-starting Sketchup before installing RoundCorner. I then closed and re-started before installing FredoCorner. As I said, the toolbars and icons are there, but they don't do anything.
This problem started suddenly, after I had been away from the computer for a week. When I launched SketchUp, the error message about RoundCorner was on the screen, and its toolbar had disappeared. I'm going to try deleting and re-installing LibFredo6 again, but have already done that several times. Can I post the Ruby Console info here if I have no luck?
Error: #<Errno::ENOENT: No such file or directory @ rb_sysopen - /Users/21imac/Library/Application Support/.LIBFREDO6_DATA_Dir/LibFredo6_all_defaults.dat>
/users/21imac/library/application support/sketchup 2018/sketchup/plugins/fredo6_!libfredo6/lib6registry.rbe:144:ininitialize' /users/21imac/library/application support/sketchup 2018/sketchup/plugins/fredo6_!libfredo6/lib6registry.rbe:144:in
/users/21imac/library/application support/sketchup 2018/sketchup/plugins/fredo6_!libfredo6/lib6registry.rbe:144:inwrite_to_file' /users/21imac/library/application support/sketchup 2018/sketchup/plugins/fredo6_!libfredo6/lib6registry.rbe:127:in
/users/21imac/library/application support/sketchup 2018/sketchup/plugins/fredo6_!libfredo6/lib6plugin.rbe:1278:inusage_use' /users/21imac/library/application support/sketchup 2018/sketchup/plugins/fredo6_!libfredo6/lib6plugin.rbe:1266:in
/users/21imac/library/application support/sketchup 2018/sketchup/plugins/fredo6_!libfredo6/lib6plugin.rbe:1249:inblock (2 levels) in build_config_commands' /users/21imac/library/application support/sketchup 2018/sketchup/plugins/fredo6_!libfredo6/lib6traductor.rbe:1348:in
/users/21imac/library/application support/sketchup 2018/sketchup/plugins/fredo6_!libfredo6/lib6traductor.rbe:1348:inblock in add_command' SketchUp:1:in
call' -
It seems you may have some restriction (security-based) to create subdirectories in /Users/21imac/Library/Application Support/.LIBFREDO6_DATA_Dir.
Possibly, this has to do with the mode of your finder, which may require "View Hidden files".
Can you check.
Worse case, create the directory manually: /Users/21imac/Library/Application Support/.LIBFREDO6_DATA_Dir.
Please note that there is a 'dot' before LIBFREDO6_DATA_Dir. On Mac, I think this to make the directory hidden.
The directory is there, but it is hidden. I was able to see it by opening Terminal. Now what should I do? (The dot does make it hidden.)
@oyercab said:
The directory is there, but it is hidden. I was able to see it by opening Terminal. Now what should I do? (The dot does make it hidden.)
Could you enable the option "view hidden file" in your Finder.
In the Terminal, type
defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles YES; killall FINDER
If it does not work, then it would mean that your Support folder is protected against file creation by program, and then you'll have to find how to allow it via changing some security settings.
@fredo6 said:
Could you enable the option "view hidden file" in your Finder.
In the Terminal, type
defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles YES; killall FINDER
If it does not work, then it would mean that your Support folder is protected against file creation by program, and then you'll have to find how to allow it via changing some security settings.
When I did that, I got this response "No matching processes belonging to you were found."
But I can see the folder by typing the following two lines, one at a time:defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles TRUE
killall Finder
What should be inside that hidden folder? It only contains a folder named DefaultParameters,
which has two files: FredoCorner.def and ROundCorNer.def (spelled just like that)Gail
@oyercab said:
What should be inside that hidden folder? It only contains a folder named DefaultParameters,
which has two files: FredoCorner.def and ROundCorNer.def (spelled just like that)LibFredo6 tries to create a file named "LibFredo6_all_defaults.dat", but apparently it cannot, based on the error that you get in the Ruby console.
So, this may be related to some security settings.
In the Ruby console, could you copy and paste the following command and press Enter
File.open(File.join(LibFredo6.appdata_dir, "LibFredo6_all_defaults.dat"), 'w') { |f| f.puts "###" }
Do you get an error?
If so, could you type (same command, but with a .txt extension)
File.open(File.join(LibFredo6.appdata_dir, "LibFredo6_all_defaults.txt"), 'w') { |f| f.puts "###" }
I deleted the hidden folder .LIBFREDO6_DATA_Dir.
and then uninstalled LibFredo6, FredoCorner and RoundCorner.
After doing that, when I re-installed LibFredo6, another file showed up below the folder DefaultParameters inside the hidden folder. It wasn't there before.Then I re-installed FredoCorner and RoundCorner, and now they are both working!!
Thank you so much for your help and time, Fredo.
OK. Strange, but glad it worked. This may be useful to know for other Mac users.
découverte de ce plugin malin, bien que son interface ne rende pas son utilisation des plus pratiques; heureusement la généreuse et trÚs détaillée documentation est là .
Par contre, impossible de savoir ce que le plugin considĂšre comme Ă©tant une arĂȘte invalide. Et si je pose la question, c'est justement parce que sur un modĂšle simple (un anneau type bague semi ouverte) aucune arĂȘte et aucune surface ne peuvent ĂȘtre sĂ©lectionnĂ©s. Bon c'est vrai que je ne suis pas super Ă l'aide avec Sketchup, mais j'ai rĂ©ussi Ă faire fonctionner ce plugin sur d'autres modĂšles.
Quelque chose m'Ă©chappe encore avec Sketchup; une fois de plus!
@notapoireau said:
Par contre, impossible de savoir ce que le plugin considĂšre comme Ă©tant une arĂȘte invalide.
RoundCorner permet de filtrer les arĂȘtes selon leur propriĂ©tĂ©s (plain, soft, smooth, hidden). En general, on ne considĂšre que les arĂȘtes plain (donc non-soft, non-smooth, non-hidden).
Dans la palette de boutons, tu as un filtre qui peut ĂȘtre modifiĂ©.
Dans ton modÚle, utilise l'option pour montrer la géométrie cachée.
PS: J'ai publié recemment le plugin FredoCorner qui est un peu plus puissant que RoundCorner.