Explode groups
Hi SketchUPers
I am looking for a plugin that can explode groups inside groups.
For example: I am want to expload all groups (A,B,C) inside groups X1,X2,X3,...
Did you try searching the Plugin Store? TIG's Group Exploder would probably do what you need.
Thank you Dave R! But this plugin explodes all the groups... and I want to explode only groups A,B,C and keep X1, X2, ...
To explode all groups found inside another group, but ignore those groups located in the model itself or inside components, you can use this one-liner copy+pasted in the Ruby Console + enter...
m=Sketchup.active_model;m.start_operation('ex',true);m.definitions.find_all{|d|d.group?}.each{|g|next unless g.valid?;g.entities.grep(Sketchup;;Group).each{|e|e.explode}};m.commit_operation
Woow TIG, it is working perfect!
Thank You Very Much!
It is hard to explode Components also? -
@koliboti said:
Woow TIG, it is working perfect!
Thank You Very Much!
It is hard to explode Components also?
If you want to ALSO explode components you could make this adjustment ??m=Sketchup.active_model;m.start_operation('ex',true);m.definitions.find_all{|d|d.group?}.each{|g|next unless g.valid?;(g.entities.grep(Sketchup;;Group)+(g.entities.grep(Sketchup;;ComponentInstance)).each{|e|e.explode}};m.commit_operation
Thank You Very Much TIG!