0.skb, 1.skb, 2.skb files.....
Guys, I get this alot. Not sure whether its a result of a bugsplat [had a few last night working on big SU / LO files]
These ones are on my desktop. I saved a file there last night as a fallback for the SU file I was working on. There have been cases where I see anywhere up to 40-50 of these files... 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8.skb, etc.
Any ideas?
Somehow you have instructed the autosave or autobackup to send to your desktop in the event of some sort of error. The sequential .skb files happened to me back when I was using a usb storage "stick" and trying to save a file directly to it. I think at the time I figured out that I would have to save to the hard disk destination, then copy the file from there. Also, check Window>Preferences>Files and see if any of the default destinations may have changed? Although, I am not sure if these would change in your case.
no space left on your stick?
i get these numbered backup files when a volume is full and the autosave fails -
I get these in my plugins folder from time to time. I though it was related to some bugsplatting plugin. Interested to know if anyone get these appear anywhere else?
I get them occasionally in the same folder in which the main .skp file is located. I seem to remember that it happens when I have mistakenly hit "save" while in the early part of the podium rendering process.
I know I have been awful glad to see them a few times when I have opened the file I was working on the previous day and realized that it was not current
. I then noticed that one of the 1,2,3, etc. files had the right time/date stamp for when I last saved.
? I don't know what drives them, but I guess I am glad they are there.
I think we ought to lobby for an explanation from the Sketchup Team, or maybe in Sketchup 9 wishlist request an explanatory error message or alert window feature relating to this since it happens under various conditions.
Do most of you guys use the automatic backup settings or do you shut them off.
I personally have shut it off since day one. I already save to much as it is. Have to save every time before I use most plugins because they make sketchup crash some times.
I get this as well. Obviously, you get .skb's with the autobackup but sometimes I find these things scattered about where they shouldn't be.
Hello I found the raison on the SU PODIUM website ( rendering plugin )
" This is s known (annoying) bug. Don't worry nothing's lost, you just need to rename the skb to skp. It happens when you save when the oopr is opened. Sketchup will only save backup file.
To save correctly, close the oopr before saving. "It's working for me now. I hope to help you.