3D Truss Models
The current TODO list:
- Hip Sets (Stepdown, California, Midwest, Northeast, Terminal) with and without drop-in purlin frames as applicable. Hip truss algorithm per June 15, 2016 post.
- Flat Trusses with html input.
- Barrel Vault, Clerestory, Studio Vault, and Double Inverted trusses.
- Html menus for each truss type.
- Update the manual and create more video tutorials.
- Extend connector plates and layers to each truss and roof type.
- Open Joist Floor Trusses.
- Polygon entry for floor trusses/joists versus currently available rectangular assemblies, also add in a function to cut a hole in the floor for a stair way or other opening. See Jul. 2, 2016 post.
- Dutch and Half Hip truss sets (See Jun. 14, 2016 post).
- Gable roof with solid sawn beam.
- Gable roof with "two" glulam or solid sawn beams. (cantilevered rafters).
- Html menu for each truss type for manual connector plate sizing.
- Add the roof to the gable dormer, see June 19, 2016 post.
- Hip and Shed Dormer.
- Gable, Hip and Dutch Gable Roof Minor.
- Engineering for Rafters, Joists and Sheathing.
- Bring the truss and beam engineering into the plugin versus an external link to my engineering site. This would require porting all of my Perl code into Ruby.
- Add a dual pitch gable rafter roof.
- Add raised heels to each truss type that currently does not have this feature.
- Finish adding bird blocking option.
- PDF or HTML output (printable) showing details of a truss assembly (ie. shop drawings and layout)
- Update order system allowing $20 yearly license renewal.
- Further investigate materials (colors) for specific layers.
- Allow "editing" of a truss, floor or roof assembly.
- Timber trusses (with bolted plates).
- Complex hip roofs, this is related to roof minors (item 15). Need to devise a straight skeleton algorithm.
- Integrate more tightly with other plugins as opportunity arises (ie. Estimator etc...)
- Gable end trusses for gambrel attic and attic trusses.
- Complete all configurations of each truss type and verify that each advanced option is correctly working (ie. polynesian truss needs more configurations).
- Add gable and full returns to the roof return option, currently only the hip return is available.
- Transition trusses.
- The Trim function seems to be working now I need to work on the Extend function.
- Steel and hybrid steel floor trusses.
- Explore adding in a stairway module and deck module, however these may become part of the upcoming Wall Plugin.
- In the advanced options for gambrel attic trusses create an option for a crow's beak, see June 20, 2016 post.
I know I'm missing a few items that I have on one of my paper lists but I can't find it right now.
The question is, other than item 1, what are the highest priority items on this list?
I've been basically sidelined since end of August so I am anxious to get this operation (neck) done with and over and really begin again in earnest to advance the development of the plugin.
My new job keeps me busy but not so busy that I can't spend a few hours each night plugging away at this list and weekends are certainly my friend in that regard.
Please feel free to let me know what other items should be added to the list.
When it comes to plates and connectors there is also the bolted plate connected trusses with larger timber members used for more architectural and ornamental work. I am wondering if there is any interest in having a separate module for those truss types?
Something along these lines:
Look at this beautiful double howe truss:
Half Bowstring Truss?
@medeek said:
- Update order system allowing $20 yearly license renewal.
I would place that at number 1, it's a bit confusing and may be a deterrent for returning customers. Currently I now have 2no. licences (1no. which is now out of date) where I only need one, the second license should be the first that has been renewed + 6 months added to the current expiry date, which is still at a year after purchase of the "renewal". Not serious I suppose, just a pet peeve.
Apart from that, the continuous development is appreciated, but be sure to take an adequate break though...
I concur, after work today I will dive back into my shopping cart code and see if I can't add the renewal code by tonight. The nice thing is that I already have a similar system in place for renewals on my API service. I just need to figure out what I did for that service about two years ago and replicate it for the two plugins.
Under the purchase new license will be the renewal button:
I've updated your renewal expiration date in the database as I promised. I apologize for the delay on this.
If anyone else has purchased a new license in an attempt to renew their license in the last 2 or 3 months, please email me and I will extend your renewal expiration by another 6 months.
Pre-Op tomorrow and then operation on Thursday.
Timber Truss icon for the Graphical Truss Menu:
@medeek said:
Version 1.7.1 - 12.08.2016
- Enabled metal plate connectors for the common fink truss.
I enabled the connector plates in the settings, but it doesn't show up when the trusses are generated. I'm using version 1.7.1. I also noticed that the splash screen with all the various truss types icons seem to be different (window not resizing / icons running off of the page) to before I enabled the connector plates in the same version?
++++ EDIT ++++
OK, it seems to be working now, I double checked the settings, assigned user defined layers and saved them again. It seems to be working now. The battens are not being assigned to a layer other than Layer0? -
Those timber trusses are amazing. Perfect actually for a job I'm working on. Thank you for making such a phenomenal plugin!
Thanks for pointing out the non-layer assignment for battens, I will try to jump on that tomorrow, its a quick fix.
The layer implementation is far from complete, I only just started on it and I have numerous files to go through and add the layer logic in so please bear with me.
I'll see what I can do with the timber trusses, those should be a lot of fun to add in and with a decent html menu with preview screen should be fairly intuitive for the user.
I've updated my database and shopping cart programming so now you should be able to renew your plugin (license) for the $20.00 renewal fee. You always have the option of purchasing multiple licenses at the full price, and the renewal form allows one to pick which serial number they would like to renew if they have multiple licenses.
It took me about 4 hours to make this work, unfortunately the paypal integration complicated things, that was not anticipated. Now my arm is on fire, good thing I'm going into surgery Thursday, I really need it at this point.
Item #22 on the todo list should now be complete. Now I just need to go back into my foundation plugin scripts and database and do the same thing.
@medeek said:
Thanks for pointing out the non-layer assignment for battens, I will try to jump on that tomorrow, its a quick fix.
The layer implementation is far from complete, I only just started on it and I have numerous files to go through and add the layer logic in so please bear with me.
No problem, thanks for the work you put into this, it is appreciated and doesn't go unnoticed.
I suggested to the author of "Window+" (on EW) to implement something similar to what you have done with the custom layer assignments, he too thinks it a great idea and will probably implement it soon. Let's hope the idea spreads to more extension authors as it helps to save time when these can be pre-assigned as opposed to having to iterate through the entire model assigning groups / components to layers.
All the best with the surgery tomorrow! Godspeed!
Which layer would you like the battens assigned to, roof sheathing or roof framing.
I need to review some of my old files (local residential designs) to get a better idea of timber truss designs but out of curiosity I attempted to manually create a sample timber truss to see how long it took me create one. About an hour into it I had come up with this:
View model here:
3D Warehouse
3D Warehouse is a website of searchable, pre-made 3D models that works seamlessly with SketchUp.
- King Post truss with 4:12 pitch, 12" overhang and 1/4" buttcut, span 28'
- 6x10 Timbers (TC, BC, King Post)
- 3/8" Thick Connector Plates
- 5/8" DIA. Heavy Hex Nuts and Bolts
- 2 Rows of Bolts
- 4.5" between rows of bolts
- 4" bolt spacing between bolts in a row
- Plates offset from timber by 3/4"
- Bolts offset from end of plates by 2"
- Bolts offset from edge of plates by 1.5"
- No washers
This particular connector plate configuration uses two additional bolts at the apex of the heel plates, many other variations are possible.
Please feel free to comment. This example is just a concept to give me a better idea of the design parameters and issues with this type of truss.
I will add in two new layers for roofs:
I will have to roll that revision post-op, off to Olympia for the neck surgery at 10:00AM
Out of surgery, sore.
Right arm feels considerably better with only a slight tingle. Neck brace has me nicely immobilized.
Swallowing is extremely painful, thank goodness for ice cream.
I'm probably going to lay low for about a week, no programming or significant computer time, that is what the Doctor suggested.
Version 1.7.2 - 12.16.2016
- Enabled custom layers for roof returns, battens and counter battens.
- License renewal enabled in Medeek Account Manager.
I like the new addition of the layers, it helps being able to hide certain aspects of the model. This has led me to think it might be useful to somehow implement materials (colors, textures), either at the layer level or based on the geometry (ie. specific color or texture for the I-joist web -> OSB wood).
For now I don't think I will make the material assignment(s) customizable, in the global settings you will be able to turn it on or off, if it is turned on then I will have the plugin assign some fairly generic colors for lumber, pressure treated lumber and texture for OSB sheathing. Metal plates will be assigned a texture as well, this should be rather interesting.
Thanks for the upgrades! I'm on holiday and am looking forward to this when I'm back at the grindstone in a few weeks time!
Version 1.7.3 - 12.17.2016
- Added a "Materials" tab within the global settings; Auto material assigment (colors and textures) is now an option.
- Enabled materials and custom layers for floor trusses and joists.
- Enabled materials for common trusses: metal plate connectors, lumber, and OSB.
View model here:
3D Warehouse
3D Warehouse is a website of searchable, pre-made 3D models that works seamlessly with SketchUp.
A big thanks to those on the SketchUcation and SU board who helped me with the custom materials part of the API, the SketchUp community is a great asset.
By default the metal plate connectors, custom layers and auto materials is turned off in the global settings.