[Plugin] ToolbarEditor (1.1.2) – updated 08.06.2014
You can add native plugins and commands if you install Jim's custom toolbars in conjunction with Aerilius' custom toolbars. Jim's makes native commands available inside of Aerilius' customizer. I have both installed for this reason.
I think I found a very nasty bug on Toolbar Editor. It acts strange sometimes. Please check the image attached.
Also, a backup function for it would be nice... ideally embedded in warehouse user account somehow, if possible.
But, in the meantime, look at my unintended toolbars:
Is not the first time when it acts randomly. On a previous date I found a separator that I never dragged it in place.
Any possible explanation?
Second note:
When editing an existing toolbar, in edge cases not all changes can be correctly applied (for example buttons can not be removed, and buttons can only be appended at the end), but changes should be completely applied at next restart. The alternative would be that the plugin does not even try updating the toolbar, but requests the user to restart SketchUp.Anyways, it is clear that wrong icons should not be added. I'll try to find the best compromise for updated toolbars.
First note: Could be a hash collision (although I thought unlikely). I will try to reproduce it (evt. I will ask for a specific registry setting). Can you tell me what plugin the two pencil icons are?
how look a ruby-snipped to have a plugin with an icon?some developer have only plugins that's work in menue. ok i could add short-cuts for this, however sometimes i would have a toolbar with all my most used plugins together.
@deaneau said:
how look a ruby-snipped to have a plugin with an icon?some developer have only plugins that's work in menue. ok i could add short-cuts for this, however sometimes i would have a toolbar with all my most used plugins together.
See how plugins that do have a toolbar do it...
Typically the plugin's menu entry is set up using a 'command'.
You can add a line or two of code to that to use that command in a new toolbar.
You'll need an icon png file to be loaded from somewhere.
After all of the scripts have loaded as SketchUp starts, you cannot add items to an existing menu or toolbar.
Several scripts can add items to an existing menu or toolbar if they do so as they load when SketchUp starts, but this is only possible if that menu or toolbar has a 'reference' that they can access - e.g. an@instance_variable
, which has been set up in amodule
which they all share, or a$global_variable_with_a_unique_name
[not recommended as it is shared by all modules and could clash with other's too]...An example of the menu making command is:
unless file_loaded?(__FILE__) cmd = UI;;Command.new("SomeCommandName"){ SomeCommand.new() } UI.menu("Plugins").add_item(cmd) ### START - ADD TOOLBAR HERE... ### END - ADD TOOLBAR HERE file_loaded(__FILE__) end
If it's a 'Tool' the CMD setup is slightly different...
An example to use that within a toolbar is this additional code added between the ### markers:
cmd.tooltip = "SomeCommandName" cmd.status_bar_text = "SomeText" cmd.small_icon = File.join("SomeCommandFolder/ImagesFolder", 'icon-24.png') cmd.large_icon = File.join("SomeCommandFolder/ImagesFolder", 'icon-32.png') toolbar = UI;;Toolbar.new("SomeCommandName") toolbar.add_item(cmd) toolbar.show if toolbar.get_last_state.abs == 1 # TB_VISIBLE/NEVER
Note how addition properties are needed for the cmd to be used in a toolbar.
The path to the button icons and their names is up to you...
Remember to use a plain-text editor like Notepad++ to edit the .rb file.
Encoding must be UTF-8_without_BOM to be compatible with all SketchUp versions... -
@tig said:
toolbar.show if toolbar.get_last_state.abs == 1 # TB_VISIBLE/NEVER
does the exact same thing. -
thanks at TIG and ThomThom... i will look at this deeper in the next week.
thank you
Thank You
but downloadlink do not work for me ? -
@esense3d said:
Thank You
but downloadlink do not work for me ?
Have you tried the PluginStore RBZ ??
http://sketchucation.com/pluginstore?pln=ae_ToolbarEditor -
short answer. SKP2015 make and pro works. download and install.
@Esense3d.. dont be shy to answer.
the shortest and fastest answer is this (if this work)
Wow, thanks Aerilius for this plugin!! I was so amazed that I added the toolbar function to a bunch of plugins. Indeed, I'll post to each author, my icons and the modified script.
Anyway, I was wondering if would be possible mix the Toolbar Editor and the LaunchUp. Let's me explain, the LaunchUp is able to keep the last searched function as a mini functional toolbar. And the Toolbar Editor make possible create custom toolbars. So, you would have some floating windows grouping your custom toolbars, a even more revolutionary UI implementation.
I'd like to make me helpful, but I'm just a ruby starter yet.
Thank you very much!
@aerilius said:
The toolbars are stored in the registry
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\SketchUp\SketchUp 2014\Plugins_ae\ToolbarEditor
You can copy and paste it in the same key on another SketchUp installation or version. You can also use the File → Export functionality of the registry. I'm not sure whether I should add an export button to each of my plugins, I hope SketchUp will provide an efficient and central place to migrate settings.From a developer side, I want to emphasis again that most of us want plugin settings to be namespaced and bundled in one sub-key, and not mixed within SketchUp's internal keys.
I did my backup in this way, and today I restarted my windows and restored the registry key. The custom toolbar appeared again, but I was unable to add more toolbar or functions.
So the only way was to redo all the custom toolbars
When I import my registry from one computer to another it loads all of the toolbars but does not load the buttons.Any ideas why this may be happening?
Thanks in advance!
@thirdleft said:
When I import my registry from one computer to another it loads all of the toolbars but does not load the buttons.Any ideas why this may be happening?
Thanks in advance!
Okay the problem is because it remembers the username of the original computer. I logged into a colleagues computer with my username and it works but when i log in with his it doesnt. Is there any way of fixing this manually?
Ideally i want to set up a registry and plugin data file for 3-4 users in our office so we all have the same toolbars but because we obviously dont have the same username it isnt working. Does this mean i have to set it up one by one?
Thanks for all your help
Keith -
Look also in your "%APPDATA%\SketchUp Toolbar Editor" folder for toolbar commands.
I've got subjective feeling that my custom TE icon loading is painfully slow on start-up.
Is it possible or loading original toolbars would take the same amount of time? -
Toolbar Editor (1.1.3); not showing any icon in sketchup 2016, 17, 18 but it's showing 2019 can you please fix this problem.
Is there a code snippet i can use to emulate keystrokes?
That would be a quick way to create a custom button which mimics a shortcut for menu entry.. -
Is this plugin still being maintained? For some reason it doesn't add separators anymore.