Material Problem in TheaRender
In general it is better to apply all textures inside SketchUp.
If you have to do it in Thea Studio, then use cubic mapping for the piece of the model you have applied the new material (Tools/Transform Tool/Mapping Icon/Cubic).
I suggest you checking new integrated Thea for SketchUp!
I have problem in scatter part in Thea Render Material Lap
i cant see it and it not working
i am asking if i need some program for make it working rightplease answer me
@gafia said:
I have problem in scatter part in Thea Render Material Lap
i cant see it and it not working
i am asking if i need some program for make it working rightplease answer me
You have a blank scene, try adding the material to a shape, a plane or something then check again.
i did that
and not working it was working before i recover the laptop i guess its about the system files -
I'd try to reinstall Thea if you have not done so. Are you using latest RV remember also get latest presto GPU (if you have nvidia GPU) -
i have the latest version and i tried all versions
not working right " sorry about my english "i have this problem in other CPU and this LapTop
but it work right in other LapTop
and i am afraid to uninstall it from it cause if i re install and get that am going to be disappoints -
Note : i have registration but i didnt put it
i tried ro recover laptop and have same problem
i tried to update windows and the same thing and graphics card tooi tried many things nothing work
i need solution
Thanks for all and especially "notareal"
it work now i download the links and it working very good thanks again
cadmunkey... did you fix you problem with displacement map?
@cittizewn said:
cadmunkey... did you fix you problem with displacement map?
Hi, that was over 4 years ago! I didnt sort it at the time but I know displacement works well in Thea now, but to be honest I never use it anymore.
@cittizewn said:
cadmunkey... did you fix you problem with displacement map?
Are you having trouble with displacement yourself Cittizewn?
Yes, my difuse map scale and displacemente map scale are not de same somehow. if i change the texture scale in sketchup somehow the displacemente scale of my displacemente map dont match afterwards.
How should i do do get same scales in dif and displa? change scales in sketchup first or in thea material studio? -
Verify if the following settings are the same with that material for both diffuse, displacement, and all other maps:
(click the gif)
JQL That is super useful! Thanks
hi every one. I have no bump and no displacement.
I follow all that was explained before but still have this problem.
SEE the image.(no image. dont know how !) translation look good in preview but no bump no translation on rendering.
Iβm on the demo version. would like to buy but need to fix this problem first.please help! thea render look very great !
I am on windows 10, sketchup 2017 make, Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4770S CPU @ 3.10GHz (Cores:and GeForce GTX 750 Ti (Cores: 640)