Closed Plugins
What plugin is it?
When suitably coded, a Toolbar button [or a menu entry] may be shown 'grayed-out' [disabled] until there is a suitable selection.
So for example, if the tool expects one Component-Instance to be selected, then if there is no Suitable selection then it's gray/disabled, but if there is a suitable selection it becomes colored/enabled.What is the larger Toolbar ?
That might give us a little clue ?Help us to help you...
The gray one on the right is for a suitably coded plugin; TIG's Offset tool. It only shows as being available to use if you have a face selected.
@dave r said:
The gray one on the right is for a suitably coded plugin; TIG's Offset tool. It only shows as being available to use if you have a face selected.
Well spotted
But what is the bigger Toolbar ?? -
That's a good question.
That's nice, Pilou. We are interested in the toolbar with three buttons to the left of TIG's Offset tool.
That's for the plugin that erases a cylinder by dropping a large weight on it
@slbaumgartner said:
That's for the plugin that erases a cylinder by dropping a large weight on it
What a coincidence! I was just about to make a request for a plugin like that.
The big ToolBar with eye inside a pyramyd is from the serial of Kyrill2008
LSS toolbarr -
Never seen it!
The error message you get when loading relate to several plugins.
The first is Remus's 'multi face offset.rb' which requires a helper file named 'offset.rb'.
You need to install that helper .rb into the Plugins folder - downloaded separately from here
Without its helper being available that plugin will fail to load.
It is also an old plugin, so it might not be fully compatible with newer SketchUp versions like v2015 - so you need to test it once it's loading - but it'll probably be OK.The next error is 'rp_loxodrome.rb'.
That is an encoding error.
Earlier versions of SketchUp can load plugin-scripts written in files encoded as ANSI or UTF-8, but Since v2014 all plugins must be UTF-8_without_BOM encoded.
This can be set/reset in a text-editor like Notepad++.
The loader .rb file is ANSI, so it won't load properly in >= v2014 !
Unfortunately you can only 'fix' .rb files and the author of this tool has encrypted part of the code as a .rbs file; this was doubtlessly made from a .rb file, which itself will have been encoded as ANSI.
You only recourse here is to contact the author and ask for it to be fixed...
Assuming there are no other coding anomalies the re-encoding and re-encryption would take but a minute!
Remove the .rb file from the Plugins folder for now.The final 'visible' error is 'shapes.rb'.
The old versions of many of the @Last plugins are not compatible with >= v2014.
Remove the .rb file from the Plugins folder for now.
There is a suitable updated 'su_' version available from the Extension-Warehouse here you haven't included the whole error message there might be more problems later in the list...
I think you have multiple issues to resolve - those gray buttons are NOT related to those posted error messages.
I don't know of 'steel sketch' - where is it from ?
Perhaps you also need to make suitable selections before the buttons are enabled ??My 'smart_offset' is compatible with all Sketchup versions, for it's toolbar button to be enabled you need to preselect a face - because it offsets faces !
Thanks TIG for your answer and your help