Joe pretty much says it all really, I 100% agree.
One might look at the success of DataCAD which had a very low price point in the 90's. Their user base reportedly doubled in three months in 1994. Now it sells for $1,295 but their early price slashing helped create a loyal following. Free trial.
@pbacot said:
Free trial.
I think PlusSpec can learn a few things from drug dealers. If only we had the opportunity to develop a PlusSpec addiction...
Hi guys thanks for posting, I know you all are disappointed Plusspec is out of your budget. I am sorry that is the case for you. All I can do is keep on creating pro software that saves you money and time.
I am not Google and I am not Microsoft, I am a builder who spent all most 8 years creating software that helps me and the rest of the users design and build more quickly and more easily.I know some people that will spend 3 hours searching the Internet for a free Sketchup model, the exact same model that costs $10 on turbo Squid or other similar sites. It probably cost that person $60 to to save $10. The same analogy goes for PlusSpec.
I have made the position clear and have set the price. If you want to get your local registered training provider to contact us for a Student version please do. If you want to get involved with PlusSpec because you have a heap of time we have plenty for you to do and in return we will help you with a license.
We can use more people as we are being bombarded with people learning Plusspec for their business.
Plusspec will save you hundreds of hour of work and make you look like a professional or more of one.
This software is professional software that is easy to use. If you do not want it do not buy it.
Keep up the good work guys, I have customers to support and people to help.
I love Sketchup and its development community!
@aadbuild said:
... If you do not want it do not buy it. ...
From the posts in this thread, it looks like there are plenty of people interested in purchasing PlusSpec, unfortunately you decided to make your software available as RENTAL only.
@tandem said:
From the posts in this thread, it looks like there are plenty of people interested in purchasing PlusSpec, unfortunately you decided to make your software available as RENTAL only.
Well said.
Beginning of the glory!
Dear aadbuild,
I have read every single post carefully and see the points to both sides. From a person that has been an entrepreneur for over 30 years, I have learned a thing or two about being a tree that bends in the wind so when the storm comes, I am still standing.
Let me clarify, that I know "nothing" of programming but am beyond good at coming up with better ways to do things and am willing to spend $$ in an effort to accomplish this. That said, I stumbled across your software looking for a plugin that would provide a "simple" quantity takeoff from the components in SU. After looking at and yes being able to "try" the software plugins in extensions, I am not pleased with any of them functionality wise.
Let me also say, I will gladly spend a 1000.00 for your software because although I am sure I will find lots of things that could work better, I can find nothing even remotely close in any of the available extensions as good as yours.
I would also like to say comparatively speaking your software is a bargain. I own http://www.tradesmens.com/index which is strong in BOQ, 3D rendering, and weak in the ease of take off creation, Close to 10K purchase 700.00 yearly maintenance. I also own Chief Architect http://www.chiefarchitect.com/ which is great with take off creation, ok 3D, poor BOQ close to 3K purchase 445.00 yearly, and finally OST & Quick Bid http://www.oncenter.com/ FANTASTIC take off / BOQ, NO 3D ability close to 7K for both purchases 600.00 yearly.
Now for the nuts and bolts; You say you can't provide a trial because of the code crackers out there, fair point. Keeping in mind I know nothing about coding and cracks. I do know how the companies software I own, address the issue. Since other than your price being to high, which hopefully I have been able to give adequate examples to demonstrate, is not the case. The general thread consensus is, let me look under the hood, so to speak before I buy. OST has a default setting that after a few days, if I don't run the software with an internet connection, the software becomes unusable. It pings their server I assume to validate my license key. Tradesman uses a usb dongle that without; the software is not usable. Personally, I like CA internet option, the usb dongle is a hassle. FYI, CA used to use a dongle as well back in the day.
So you "can" have a look under the hood ability if you wanted to and virtually eliminate the crack option.
Last but not least, and this is the easy one.
These guys want the option to own and not lease the car after they look under the hood, which is understandable, I also fall into this group.
Simply charge 1000.00 for license key and "X" amount for additional keys "like everybody else does + yearly maintenance of "X". If you want "X" to be 1000.00 "fine", but the prior users if they so choose, can still use their outdated software if they do not to pay the yearly fee. One idea to encourage people to sign on for the yearly maintenance is charge 1000.00 a year. But if the software falls out of maintenance and somebody calls and wants lets say, 3 years worth of updates, you charge 3600.00 which is 200.00 per year extra. Tradesman software does this exact thing to encourage enrollment.
If you charge a 1000.00 license fee and a yearly 1000.00 current / 1200.00 outdated maintenance fee. Then if people choose to opt out and not stay current, they still can use the outdated software "as they should be able to" after all they did legally purchase it. The net result being you overcame a "major" obstacle / resistance that your market is responding with, you are not out and or diminishing your revenue stream, and you now are a proud member of the "tree that bends club" and hopefully will be able to stand even after the storms.
semper fi
- topic:timeago-later,21 days
@dsorensen said:
It is very difficult to accept paying close to $1000 for a program that you cannot own.
If, for example, I decided not to upgrade to SU 2016, I still own---and can work with, SU 2015. I own the program.The yearly subscription---and its cost, simply does not work for me. If it were a one-time payment where I then owned the program, I would certainly consider it as a very welcome addition to the SU toolkit. As such, I will not purchasing the program, no matter how excited one architect shows himself to be about it.
Further, Plusspec is asking for the same amount of money Archicad, Vectorworks, Revit, and Chief Architect look for in their yearly upgrades. This also makes no sense. They may be bloated legacy programs, but they have great depth and usability for those who have taken the time and effort to learn them.
For Plusspec to put themselves in that league of value just out of the gate also makes no sense. And of course, the upgrades to these programs still points to the fact that a user choosing to upgrade owns the original program.
If I were the owner of Plusspec, I would seriously take a second look at my marketing and business model. It does not work.
Yep, I think you're righ on target on this one, it's a pity, as was looking forward in learning the software. I purchased it a year ago, but then found out it was no good for my Architectural business here in the UK & thought it was still a "beta" version, so not used it at all. With the official release a few weeks ago, I now see major improvements that was promised & flexible enough for use in any country. However I've been told my licence will stop & so will the software in a few weeks time...
As an early adopter, I thought my licence would run for a year from official relase, not the "beta" version I bought. I have to say "beta" version, because I understood, it was only really for AUS use until the upgrades & official release. Now a year down the line, it all looks more than promising indeed, apart from more bucks on the table & even more in a years time....Oh well,........
Over & out,
Clayton. -
@pbacot said:
One might look at the success of DataCAD which had a very low price point in the 90's. Their user base reportedly doubled in three months in 1994. Now it sells for $1,295 but their early price slashing helped create a loyal following. Free trial.
O.k. I confess, I'm one of them, user since 1990's http://www.datacad.com
Recently also bought STI SPIRIT http://www.softtech.com a turbo version of the same. I also discovered a few months ago EDIFICIUS http://www.accasoftware.com which has blown my mind...their pricing structure is...well..free to download & learn...you pay per project/printing, I can't see a catch, well impressed, makes all my other Architectural software look dumb.Back to the point, I'm wondering who PLUS-SPEC is being pitched to. Too dear for small architectural practices, larger high street practices may be too highbrow & perhaps use top end BIM-CAD solutions anyway. SketchUP is being sold in vast numbers world wide, so any time saving Extension add-on's by this virtue could be moderatly priced to make very good margins/profit. It's a bold move at this level as I voiced some weeks ago before I discovered this forum. This now gives credence to my early thoughts.
Over & out,
Clayton. - topic:timeago-later,4 months
I agree with about all of the posts up here. David pretty much hit the nail on the head re price point and all. Personally I think that at a one off of around $3oo-400 AUD for the plugin (this is a plugin - not a stand alone like Revit ect) and then an annual update fee of $50-100 would represent good value.
I personally hate the subscription model of sales with a passion. I don't know if he's listening but Chuck Vali of Instant road/roof/terrain fame may have lost my future business due to the Nui subscription model he now uses.I bought without question the original tools at what seemed like good value to own them. I keep a version of 2014 and 2013 on my machines just to keep using them they are so good. Chuck - bring back a purchase model and I'm sure your customer base will go through the roof.
Even Sketchup with its $100 a year started to alienate users. Providing Trimble put real development into this program and treat their user community with respect it is a cost we generally swallow. The reason the program is so popular and strong is due to the enormous efforts of a very talented user community that have offered up most of the plugins and extensions for free. Bordering open source with their charitable nature. What goes around, comes around. It is these plugins that make Sketchup the powerful modeler it is.
Skalp produced a fantstic product and although high at $100 it is a one off. Profile builder 2 - fantastic plugin $49 (one off). I think what we need to be aware of is that when we start adding up all of these extra plugin fees (especially subscriptions) we are soon in the territory of the revits and Archicads of the world. I love Sketchp dearly - I introduced and teach it in a building design course where I lecture and constantly amaze (sceptical) students with its capabilities. It does however have its limitations. Large models do bog it down. Crashes and freezes are more common than the Autodesk/Graphisoft offerings.
I have been a paid up 'Pro' user since Sketchup 8 and have bought quite a few worth while plugins as well as the Full Maxwell Render studio and sketchp plugin (Teach this also). Cost is never an issue with me. Value is.
Ultimately the future of how we pay for the program and its plugins resides with us, the user community. The might of the many so to speak. When en-masse the Sketchup users decide to come together and not renew subscriptions etc. then real change can happen. Synchronizing that voice couldn't be easier given how these forums work.
If it would be worth the cost, it would become my most expensive piece of hardware and software, but I could make the effort and pay it. It would be a real effort as my current architect practice is getting better but not enough so I could get all my workplaces costing 1000β¬/year more than what they already do.
I'm about to pay 299β¬ for a texturing software that would be not even as 20% useful as what Plusspec claims to be. However, I've tried it, loved it, I can see huge potential on it, it's a one time payment, I'll buy it.
Is Plusspec worth it? You say so... It seems so... That's not enough! Let me see it with my own eyes!
- topic:timeago-later,18 days
What does PluusspecTake all the good free and some plugins purchase them plugged into a software and sells expensive with a lot of a lot of advertising that's it.
Creative architects do not want to draw houses like everyone else
Individual dreams are handwork and brainworkThis is just my personal opinion
I started with SketchUp 5 -
The software is missing a few extremely important thing, the biggest being a way to present the information. You need to use layout, which is extremely slow and doesn't handle the large models. Line weights are flat, it doesn't produce different hatching, so you also need to buy scalp. You need to be conscious to put everything on the correct layer (and the layering system is preset and complicated. Any freestyle modelling isn't captured by their layering system, and preset scene tabs, so unless you use their exact library parts then the use of the model becomes very complicated and frustrating. It's an easy program to learn but not an easy program to manage. The biggest issue is it's only have a program, and reply's on Layout to present the documentation. And there's nothing smart about Layout. It's like doing documentation in Photoshop. Plus Spec needs it's own layout program, which has proper layering options, linetypes, importing functions and exporting functions to DWG. Dimensioning in Layout... everyone knows how bad that is. I tried linking the sketchup plusspec model to Revit to dimension and note in ICF format and add hatches and be able to communicate with consultants with 2d CAD or a revit model. But that's another program to buy and it's a dumb work around.
Basically the plugin is a good idea but it's hopeless in the real world without a proper layout program. It's not even 1/3 of a program, you still need sketchup and you still need shitty layout. $1000 for 1/3 of a program, at least with Revit you get a full program for $3000. Oh yeah you need to buy scalp to hatch as well. It's 1/4 of a program.
- topic:timeago-later,7 months
Either Trimble will buy RubySketch or Autodesk will buy the company.
@nick1 said:
Either Trimble will buy RubySketch or Autodesk will buy the company.
You've got it right! I think that's the purpose of pumping up the balloon...