Google SketchUp vs. 3dsMax
This is an age old argument, I had it with a new colleague the other day. It is futile really. Just accept the difference of opinion and let your modelling speak for itself.
@linea said:
This is an age old argument, I had it with a new colleague the other day. It is futile really. Just accept the difference of opinion and let your modelling speak for itself.
Totally agree Jon.
@tomot said:
Whats often overlooked is that AutoDesk spends a lot of money, training and getting Higher Institutions to use its products. This creates a revenue stream for them from the next generation of users. It works! trust me.
oh i see!!!....Now that's some insider information from a cool buddy!!!
Yo man they are filthy rich...filthy rich people spend a lot on business strategies....the thing is they've bought 3dsmax from discreet and revit from some masachussets company...i don't know
@unknownuser said:
... we're still getting lessons in maya and autocad, but when it comes down to it - everyone uses sketchup. Even (some of) the teachers are saying "well, ok the curriculum says you ought to make a maya model, but if you hand in a SU model, it's fine with us!"
. but then, you were looking specifically for Stills. So, use SU! And tell your classmate to go and animate things if he likes Max so much
ditto for mee pyro!!! but our teachers aren't so lenient but heck ...they don't know sketchup.... i gave some of my max rendering virtual architecture submissions in sketchup only..shhhhhh!!!
I work in a large VFX studio. I've got unlimited access to Maya/Renderman, Houdini, Massive - you name it, it's all there!
They also, on my request, own a copy of SketchUp.
Sometimes, SU it all you need. And if it's all you need, it's probably the fastest solution too.
You don't need a ferrari to round up sheep - you need a sheepdog.
(And just to be really pedantic, 3ds Max wasn't used on Avatar, maya was, but I realise that's sort of beside the point for this argument)
@unknownuser said:
Sometimes, SU it all you need. And if it's all you need, it's probably the fastest solution too.
Su is like this !
I think that Sketchup is a design tool before its a modeler. Max is a modeler and not a design tool.
I don't use Sketchup because its the best modeler, but because it is a best design tool.
I am speaking as an architect. -
I don't use SketchUP - it's using me!
@alex jenyon said:
I guess that means that 3ds Max is like this...
And that's why you cannot simply put it into your pocket.
@ Alex :
for cutting this argument we can analize each of them and write advantages and disadvantages.
in general i'm working with (SU) , but in some cases it is really weaker than 3ds max.
advantages of SU :
3.attractive work space
4.nice renders
5.supporting most of formats for importing and exporting
disadvantages of SU :
1.weak in some aspects is useful just for modeling and you can't do other works like animations or face designing &... in it.
3.has problem in curves. can't edit the curve surfaces whatever you like.(this is the worst disadvantage).
advantages o 3dsmax :
1.include all the designing methods .
2.perfect and accurate work space
3.perfect renders and exports
4.quick and accurate in designing curves and curve surfaces.
6.include animations and designing faces
disadvantages of 3dsmax :
1.takes more time
2.hard to learn
Price not mentioned?
But I'm unsure as to why you chose 3DS Max to compare SU against.
henh-henh. He said..."analize" henh-henh
@pbacot said:
henh-henh. He said..."analize" henh-henh
sounds scary! and this thread is 4 years old lol
And what about this?
@unknownuser said:
In five years I bet that more people use Blender than Max! 2010
Blender Forum 196,957 members
300 000 posts in the general Section no number of members
100 000 posts in the general Section
From your statistics, Pilou, perhaps Blender is 3x harder to use? 3x more questions! haha
I joke...
@olishea said:
...and this thread is 4 years old lol
I assume he made a search, but didn't take any notice of the dates of the original discussion...
Comparing SU with 3ds Max seem slightly ridiculous IMO...
It's like comparing a Lamborghini with an Audi... -
Not such a good comparison Kim, as Lamborghini use Audi engines.
I know what you mean though haha