Here's some examples of how I've been using SketchUp in my professional work. Some of these are pretty old, but I don't think I've posted them before.
UEFA champions league promo concept art:






Matte painting:


The cityscape was modeled in 'blocks' in sketchup - I think I did about 4 or 5. The 'blocks' were then seeded to Vue as an ecosystem, and 'grown' into a fully fledged city. This is what the render looked like before processing:

'The Day of the Triffids' matte painting


Paired with 'Vue', I'm actually using Sketchup quite a lot for photo-real matte paintings. I'm working on 'Narnia' using it at the moment, and it was used extensively on matte paintings for 'Leap Year'. Hopefully I can show some of that work later this year.
Here are the Sketchup elements for the above matte, based on a 'Camera Match' to get a correct camera, and then rendered in 'Vue' using my 'Camera2Vue' script. The buildings weren't SU (though I think they could have been) - they were already rendered in C4D and provided to me in advance.

Hope people like seeing these - I know SketchUp only played a small part in the creation of each one, but it proves it is a serious tool, capable of being used on the biggest projects...
Take care