Fishing net modeling
That i have said! That was yet in Su native!
About another crease I don't see one for the moment like that
I don't see that in VertexTool's manual by Thomthom in French!
That you can make is use the inverse selection by TIG Freeze and apply that you want on a wished selection?
I'm still up ! hΓ©hΓ©
There might be a deadline involved, but I suspect there are the glassy eyes of sketchup addiction twitching away through the night.
Here's what i did the past few days
2 scenario because its an interactive net that goes up and down as the tide interact.
Draw wire and EByR plugins were very helpful
This file is about 7megs.
I did use the line to cylinder it's working great but I took me several hour as I did each group of net one by one. The file is like 140meg
I did some test with kerkythea for the rendering it crashed many times, the model is too complex
I'm not sure how to proceed for the next phase.
My deadline is in 10days ahah !
Did you make every piece different?
Can you not work it so you are using repeating components?
How many faces did you use on the tubes, any more than 3 is probably wasted. -
everything is different
If you are doing it for accurate technical construction drawing I can understand that, but if it's for rendering then make it from repeat sections.
here's a link for the sketchup file : I really like the way the net is shaped
I don't have a computer that will cope with it at the moment.
It's the 7meg file, without the edges in solid tube!
Personally to me the difference from one side to the other is so small that I would make them symmetrical.
You would reduce the file size enormously. -
once the file is open, I can easly navigate in it. I now have to find a nice way to render
Ah well, I can't help you much there, my only rendering experience is with Twilight.
I will test to export the shadows from sketchup and tweak it with photoshop
Oli will probably pop back soon, he knows far more about rendering than me.
I never learned a software that fast. Thx to all of you guys, I really appreciate ! I will subscribe to premium member ^_^
It's worth pointing out that components can be scaled and and modified and still be instances of the same component.
As you can see in this image I have used one component in three places, I used Fredoscale to scale and shear them to fit in the required spaces, I didn't bother to be too accurate as it's only an example.
It's a bit more work in some ways to pull them into shape, but it's means less tube making. So if you were to fit 10 nets this way you only have to make one set of tubes to get 10 full nets.Something to keep in mind for the future.
hi mates !
quick screenshot of one perspective I did last night ^^
Nice one, good to see it was worth the effort.