[PLUGIN]MITSUBA Render Exporter v1.5.0(20141109)
Here is the Flow of exporting to mitsuba in my plugin.1.Create collada mesh without materials and transformation.(for instancing)
2.Convert the collada mesh to serialized mesh by mtsimport tool.
3.Export scene information iclude materials and instancing and transformation for serialized mesh.Please open "mitsuba_scene.xml" in mitsuba render ,if there is correct serialized mesh "mitsuba_main.serialized" created from "mitsuba_main.dae".
That will be shown all correctly.
Mtsimport work fine?
Collada file created fine?
Seriarize file is not zero byte? -
I can trap the create_directory error by appending at line 269 in mitsuba_main.rb
the serialisation never occurs from the plugin...system(commandline, ;out => ['/tmp/log.txt', 'a'], ;err => ['/tmp/log.txt', 'a'])
@driven said:
I can trap the create_directory error by appending at line 269 in mitsuba_main.rb
the serialisation never occurs from the plugin...system(commandline, ;out => ['/tmp/log.txt', 'a'], ;err => ['/tmp/log.txt', 'a'])
In my mac that occurs.
Here is log.txt.2014-03-18 23;21;32.391 mtsimport[308;507] ApplePersistenceIgnoreState; Existing state will not be touched. New state will be written to /var/folders/v2/nc5st2054wvghywgtfrszpf00000gn/T/org.mitsuba.Mitsuba.savedState 2014-03-18 23;21;32 INFO main [converter.cpp;137] Beginning conversion .. 2014-03-18 23;21;32 INFO main [collada.cpp;1596] Loading "mitsuba_main.dae" .. 2014-03-18 23;21;32 INFO main [collada.cpp;1642] Importing materials .. 2014-03-18 23;21;32 INFO main [collada.cpp;1669] Importing scene .. 2014-03-18 23;21;32 WARN main [collada.cpp;1288] instance_geometry does not contain a <bind_material> element! 2014-03-18 23;21;32 WARN main [collada.cpp;615] Referenced material could not be found, substituting a diffuse BRDF. 2014-03-18 23;21;32 WARN main [collada.cpp;1288] instance_geometry does not contain a <bind_material> element! 2014-03-18 23;21;32 WARN main [collada.cpp;615] Referenced material could not be found, substituting a diffuse BRDF. 2014-03-18 23;21;32 WARN main [collada.cpp;1288] instance_geometry does not contain a <bind_material> element! 2014-03-18 23;21;32 WARN main [collada.cpp;615] Referenced material could not be found, substituting a diffuse BRDF. 2014-03-18 23;21;32 WARN main [collada.cpp;1288] instance_geometry does not contain a <bind_material> element! 2014-03-18 23;21;32 WARN main [collada.cpp;615] Referenced material could not be found, substituting a diffuse BRDF. 2014-03-18 23;21;32 WARN main [collada.cpp;1288] instance_geometry does not contain a <bind_material> element! 2014-03-18 23;21;32 WARN main [collada.cpp;615] Referenced material could not be found, substituting a diffuse BRDF. 2014-03-18 23;21;32 WARN main [collada.cpp;1288] instance_geometry does not contain a <bind_material> element! 2014-03-18 23;21;32 WARN main [collada.cpp;615] Referenced material could not be found, substituting a diffuse BRDF. 2014-03-18 23;21;32 WARN main [collada.cpp;1288] instance_geometry does not contain a <bind_material> element! 2014-03-18 23;21;32 WARN main [collada.cpp;615] Referenced material could not be found, substituting a diffuse BRDF. 2014-03-18 23;21;32 INFO main [collada.cpp;1680] Done, took 0.0s 2014-03-18 23;21;32 INFO main [mtsimport.cpp;156] Encountered 14 warnings -- please check the messages above for details. Finished conversion (took 60 ms)
In Sketchup Ruby Console
system(%Q{'/Applications/Mitsuba.app/Contents/MacOS/mtsimport' '/Applications/su_render/mitsuba_main.dae' '/Applications/su_render/mitsuba_main.xml'})
this return False? -
Here is my log.txt. after 2 attempts
2014-03-18 13;58;36 INFO main [converter.cpp;127] Creating directory "textures" .. Caught a critical exception; boost;;filesystem;;create_directory; Permission denied; "textures" 2014-03-18 14;22;09 INFO main [converter.cpp;127] Creating directory "textures" .. Caught a critical exception; boost;;filesystem;;create_directory; Permission denied; "textures"
@tak2hata said:
In Sketchup Ruby Console
system(%Q{'/Applications/Mitsuba.app/Contents/MacOS/mtsimport' '/Applications/su_render/mitsuba_main.dae' '/Applications/su_render/mitsuba_main.xml'})
this return False?
YES it returns falseand if you use this version, you get the same error as the log file in Ruby Console...
%x(/Applications/Mitsuba.app/Contents/MacOS/mtsimport /Applications/su_render/mitsuba_main.dae /Applications/su_render/mitsuba_main.xml 2>&1)
2014-03-18 14:42:03 INFO main [converter.cpp:127] Creating directory "textures" .. Caught a critical exception: boost::filesystem::create_directory: Permission denied: "textures"
@driven said:
and if you use this version, you get the same error as the log file in Ruby Console...
%x(/Applications/Mitsuba.app/Contents/MacOS/mtsimport /Applications/su_render/mitsuba_main.dae /Applications/su_render/mitsuba_main.xml 2>&1)
2014-03-18 14:42:03 INFO main [converter.cpp:127] Creating directory "textures" .. Caught a critical exception: boost::filesystem::create_directory: Permission denied: "textures"
I get this return.
> %x(/Applications/Mitsuba.app/Contents/MacOS/mtsimport /Applications/su_render/mitsuba_main.dae /Applications/su_render/mitsuba_main.xml 2>&1) 2014-03-18 23;58;34.268 mtsimport[472;507] ApplePersistenceIgnoreState; Existing state will not be touched. New state will be written to /var/folders/v2/nc5st2054wvghywgtfrszpf00000gn/T/org.mitsuba.Mitsuba.savedState 2014-03-18 23;58;34 INFO main [converter.cpp;137] Beginning conversion .. 2014-03-18 23;58;34 INFO main [collada.cpp;1596] Loading "mitsuba_main.dae" .. 2014-03-18 23;58;34 INFO main [collada.cpp;1642] Importing materials .. 2014-03-18 23;58;34 INFO main [collada.cpp;1669] Importing scene .. 2014-03-18 23;58;34 WARN main [collada.cpp;1288] instance_geometry does not contain a <bind_material> element! 2014-03-18 23;58;34 WARN main [collada.cpp;615] Referenced material could not be found, substituting a diffuse BRDF. 2014-03-18 23;58;34 WARN main [collada.cpp;1288] instance_geometry does not contain a <bind_material> element! 2014-03-18 23;58;34 WARN main [collada.cpp;615] Referenced material could not be found, substituting a diffuse BRDF. 2014-03-18 23;58;34 WARN main [collada.cpp;1288] instance_geometry does not contain a <bind_material> element! 2014-03-18 23;58;34 WARN main [collada.cpp;615] Referenced material could not be found, substituting a diffuse BRDF. 2014-03-18 23;58;34 WARN main [collada.cpp;1288] instance_geometry does not contain a <bind_material> element! 2014-03-18 23;58;34 WARN main [collada.cpp;615] Referenced material could not be found, substituting a diffuse BRDF. 2014-03-18 23;58;34 WARN main [collada.cpp;1288] instance_geometry does not contain a <bind_material> element! 2014-03-18 23;58;34 WARN main [collada.cpp;615] Referenced material could not be found, substituting a diffuse BRDF. 2014-03-18 23;58;34 WARN main [collada.cpp;1288] instance_geometry does not contain a <bind_material> element! 2014-03-18 23;58;34 WARN main [collada.cpp;615] Referenced material could not be found, substituting a diffuse BRDF. 2014-03-18 23;58;34 WARN main [collada.cpp;1288] instance_geometry does not contain a <bind_material> element! 2014-03-18 23;58;34 WARN main [collada.cpp;615] Referenced material could not be found, substituting a diffuse BRDF. 2014-03-18 23;58;34 WARN main [collada.cpp;1288] instance_geometry does not contain a <bind_material> element! 2014-03-18 23;58;34 WARN main [collada.cpp;615] Referenced material could not be found, substituting a diffuse BRDF. 2014-03-18 23;58;34 INFO main [collada.cpp;1680] Done, took 0.0s 2014-03-18 23;58;34 INFO main [mtsimport.cpp;156] Encountered 16 warnings -- please check the messages above for details. Finished conversion (took 42 ms)
Is this problem security permission?
the problem seems to be the path from boost to the file not having the correct permissions, if that makes sense...
As the folder is in the HD/Applications/ I have tried it at /tmp/, ~/Desktop, ~/Documents and in Plugins, all fail...
my copy of boost lives in /usr/local/bin/include, but it's a symlink to homebrew/cellar so that my be the issue...
not following symlink from ruby, I'll check it again from terminal...
that returns
dyld; Symbol not found; __cg_jpeg_resync_to_restart Referenced from; /System/Library/Frameworks/ImageIO.framework/Versions/A/ImageIO Expected in; /usr/local/lib/libJPEG.dylib in /System/Library/Frameworks/ImageIO.framework/Versions/A/ImageIO Trace/BPT trap; 5
@driven said:
that returns
dyld; Symbol not found; __cg_jpeg_resync_to_restart > Referenced from; /System/Library/Frameworks/ImageIO.framework/Versions/A/ImageIO > Expected in; /usr/local/lib/libJPEG.dylib > in /System/Library/Frameworks/ImageIO.framework/Versions/A/ImageIO > Trace/BPT trap; 5
Avoiding this problem,
I will write the code for serialized mesh exporter in ruby.
Good idea, it's probably the best long term solution...
you can PM me if you want anything tested...
I just had a thought and did some tests...
commandline tool need to modify .bashrc to point to python...
I don't use a .bashrc file, i use .bashprofile, so I created one under User/me/.bashrc and it's not written to...
where is your .bashrc located, and exactly what does it contain??
@driven said:
I just had a thought and did some tests...
commandline tool need to modify .bashrc to point to python...
I don't use a .bashrc file, i use .bashprofile, so I created one under User/me/.bashrc and it's not written to...
where is your .bashrc located, and exactly what does it contain??
I search in my mac.
I found "bashrc" in "/private/etc"
it contains this.# System-wide .bashrc file for interactive bash(1) shells. if [ -z "$PS1" ]; then return fi PS1='¥h;¥W ¥u¥$ ' # Make bash check its window size after a process completes shopt -s checkwinsize # Tell the terminal about the working directory at each prompt. if [ "$TERM_PROGRAM" == "Apple_Terminal" ] && [ -z "$INSIDE_EMACS" ]; then update_terminal_cwd() { # Identify the directory using a "file;" scheme URL, # including the host name to disambiguate local vs. # remote connections. Percent-escape spaces. local SEARCH=' ' local REPLACE='%20' local PWD_URL="file;//$HOSTNAME${PWD//$SEARCH/$REPLACE}" printf '¥e]7;%s¥a' "$PWD_URL" } PROMPT_COMMAND="update_terminal_cwd; $PROMPT_COMMAND" fi
thanks for that,
I found a note in the 'Mitsuba' source repository that the .bashrc file was no longer written to, so their message-box needs updating.
It does seem to be a simple path issue, that halts the process...
I just can't find it.
I have a separate instal of 'boost', so it may be a version/path conflict when Mitsuba calls it from shell...Mitsuba works with other .dae files when imported, and I have older scene files from a previous instal, that run after they are auto updated on loading...
I'll remove my copy of boost and see if that makes a difference...
got it working...
will need tidying...
line 264commandline = %Q{cd /Applications && Mitsuba.app/Contents/MacOS/mtsimport #{objfile.gsub(/\\/,'/')} #{xmlfile.gsub(/\\/,'/')}}
OSX 10.9.2 must be stricter about the context...
@driven said:
got it working...
will need tidying...
line 264commandline = %Q{cd /Applications && Mitsuba.app/Contents/MacOS/mtsimport #{objfile.gsub(/\\/,'/')} #{xmlfile.gsub(/\\/,'/')}} >
OSX 10.9.2 must be stricter about the context...
Thanks!!!I change that line.and I update this to v1.2.1.
I am very Happy.
Thank you very much!
@sadyo said:
Mitsuba seem work fine on my Sketchup 2014-Windowc 8.1 64bit
How to implementing the clipmap/2D object in Mitsubait won't appear in Renderer
Hi sadyo.
This problem is still exists.
if it is clip mapped material ,please use mask option in "OTHER" tab of material editor.But the Image object is not material.
So it can not edit by material editor.
Please explode it to face and material.The image object is no supported in this plugin ,yet
It will support in future version.
But clipping of Image object will not be supported.And other notice,mitsuba render can not read TIFF and PSD.
downloaded v1.2.1 and notice you left the log code in...
system(commandline, ;out => ['/tmp/log.txt', 'a'], ;err => ['/tmp/log.txt', 'a'])
not sure if it breaks PC's
john -
@driven said:
downloaded v1.2.1 and notice you left the log code in...
system(commandline, ;out => ['/tmp/log.txt', 'a'], ;err => ['/tmp/log.txt', 'a'])
not sure if it breaks PC's
Now I deleted that log option.and updated.
Thanks john!
""sophi skin""
windows-7, 64-bit, SU-7. -
Does anyone have any genderal advice on installing mitsuba? I am getting a report that a dll is missing and installation stops. Basically I can find no proper install documentation. Thanks.
did you try either/both of these window.exe downloads?http://www.mitsuba-renderer.org/download.htmlmaybe some machine specs would help us out, helping you...