Explode / copy-paste / crash
I am experiencing bug spats while working on a model.
su 2013 pro
windows 7 pro
16 gb ram
hot rod processor etc...I have been working with this model for several days with no issues until today.
working in top view parallel projection drawing on flat plane (2d elevation). picture 4 elevations of a home laid out flat in 2d like you were working in cad (don't ask why i am using a 3d program to produce 2d elevations....long story.).
- I selected one whole elevation and grouped it.
- used move/copy to create a separate copy and placed it off to the side.
- when I try to explode either of those grouped elevations I get a bug splat immediately.
- If i open the group and try to copy all the geometry and then jump out of the group and paste...splat.
- tried opening a separate su file and copy and paste into that...spats the one I try to paste into when I hit paste.
- restarted computer.
- renamed file
- tried the auto save file.
I also tried making a simple group off to the side and exploding it and it worked just fine
Any thought or Ideas would be much appreciated.
I think the first option here is to rule out a plugin.
Put everything in your plugins folder into a folder named #whatever
Then try doing the same thing in SketchUp and see if it splats.
If it splats then you have found a bug. If it doesn't you no it's related to a plugin
Thanks, we have eliminated a plug in as the problem.
It still crashes even with all plug ins isolated.In the mean time i made that grouped elevation into a component and did a save as while that component was selected thus creating a separate file of just that elevation which when opened is not grouped figuring i could then just delete the offensive group from the original file and copy and past my new non grouped elevation in. crash.
I have now made a component of all the rest of the work in the original file and did the same save as technique and was able to combine them so I have basically the same drawing now with a non grouped elevation.
I think I can work with this but I have now found that even trying to move/copy the ungrouped elevation causes a crash. I am just steering clear of moving that elevation for now.
Have you tried:
'Model Info > Statistics > Fix Problems...'
'Model Info > Statistics > Purge Unused'
in case there's some rogue 'entity' imported that's cause issues when SketchUp tries to recalculate things...
I was really hopeful when I saw your post, but....no such luck.
Is the bounding box close around the group? Perhaps you have somehow managed to get an artifact way off in the distance within the group. Does zoom extents within the group show what you would expect?
nice thought, but the bounding box is as one would expect it to be.
CAD imports that have some geometry / guide-points miles from the model's origin can cause issues [even when hidden or on off-layers].
BUT also CAD components which might display sensible bounding-boxes can also be problematical if their internal-origin is also miles from their geometry: so it might be placed very near the model's origin and look OK, BUT if you edit the component its internal-origin is miles away.
Model Info > Components > Show component axes ON will also show placed component-instances' axes - and any appearing oddly should be fixed by selecting the instance, context-menu > Reset Axes - pick on a near point...
If the component is nested inside another [Blocks in CAD] then they become more tricky to spot...I have a tool - http://sketchucation.com/pluginstore?pln=TIG_originatecomponnetsaxes - this moves ALL component's axes to the model's origin, which might be quicker if you have a lot of components...
But only use it if the model's instances etc are already near the origin !Another rarer problem that sometimes crops up...
Your import might contain a CAD component of a door [or something similar] that is ~1000mm wide when it shows in the SKP - so it looks fine... BUT if the CAD users has imported a CAD-block for this object using the wrong units [typically m/mm balls ups]... and has then scaled any insertions of it down by 1/1000 in the DWG [i.e. rather than correcting the real size of the original block to be ~1000mm rather that its current ~1000m] - now the SKP side will know that the object's original Component [CAD-block] is actually ~1000m [1km !] NOT ~1000mm across - i.e. x1000 too big - making for a weirdly large model 'data-base' that is miles across... and of course very very large [and very tiny] objects also causes issues...Can you post/attach or PM the problem SKP ?
Can you purge and zip it below 4Mb ?
Thanks for the thoughts/ideas.I do not think cad orgin issue is at fault here, but I will look closer to be sure.
I will try to get the file to a reasonable size and give you the link.
I am on a deadline at the moment so I will not have time to do it until tomorrow.
Thanks for your help.