Adding slopes to non-perpendicular arcs and objects
2 this is the option
sent you a PM of my latest project
What is the ultimate application of your model? Does it need to meet road intersection / interchage design? If it does then there are a number of other criteria that may impact what you are trying to do?? -
Tak2hata's Draw_Slope_Normals will work too.;feature=share%26amp;list=UU7HM1vF707x5nSWuhhxZedgdtr
Hi TechDave and Dave,
Again, thank you both for your massive amounts of help.
Dave R, I went down the route of Curvishear and it was perfect, what a find and definitely a donation going towards Fredo6 as he's incredibly worthy of it.
Mac1 - the application of the model is for proposals for new development, what helps less is the severe amount of different levels around the site, one of which is a ramped curved access road into a lower part of the site. The combination of the Fredo Curvishear and Curviloft skinning is the perfect solution to make the mapping data into 3D, when things aren't just straight lines.
TechDave, I'm still really grateful for all of your help, please don't take offence at me going to Dave R's solution, yours was great, but too complicated for my brain
dtrarch, thanks for your suggestion, I'll keep a note!
You're all great people and I'm so grateful for your help!
Hi TechDave and Dave,
Again, thank you both for your massive amounts of help.
Dave R, I went down the route of Curvishear and it was perfect, what a find and definitely a donation going towards Fredo6 as he's incredibly worthy of it.
Mac1 - the application of the model is for proposals for new development, what helps less is the severe amount of different levels around the site, one of which is a ramped curved access road into a lower part of the site. The combination of the Fredo Curvishear and Curviloft skinning is the perfect solution to make the mapping data into 3D, when things aren't just straight lines.
TechDave, I'm still really grateful for all of your help, please don't take offense at me going to Dave R's solution, yours was great, but too complicated for my brain
dtrarch, thanks for your suggestion, I'll keep a note!
You're all great people and I'm so grateful for your help!
All good; Happy New Year!!
Hi All, thought I would return to this topic, as it seems that my prayers weren't 100% answered - pretty damn close though! Curvishear works perfectly when curves only are in use. Unfortunately the entity I wanted to extrude to different heights is a combination of straight and curved components...typical!
Anyway, just thought I'd update ye' olde thread.
Divide the straight line segments into a number of short ones and then weld them back together. Divide by right clicking on the line and choosing Divide. Use TIG-Weld to weld the line segments together.
You are so clever it's frightening Dave, sounds like a great solution, I'll give it a go. Thank you for thinking about it!
@bikerchris said:
You are so clever it's frightening Dave, sounds like a great solution, I'll give it a go. Thank you for thinking about it!
Just wait until I really get going!
Please report your results. I want to know if it works for you.
Just to add to that, By welding several straights and/or curves together you create a curve, so don't feel you need to divide the straights to begin with. You only need to divide and re weld if the straights are individual.
Good point, Box. I should have added that you could weld the straight section to an existing curve which would just extend the curve.
Which just goes to show, if you are frighteningly clever I must be terrifying.
@dave r said:
@bikerchris said:
You are so clever it's frightening Dave, sounds like a great solution, I'll give it a go. Thank you for thinking about it!
Just wait until I really get going!
Please report your results. I want to know if it works for you.
Hehe, I think you've already got going...and then stoppped
Cheers matey, I'll let you know how I get on
@box said:
Which just goes to show, if you are frighteningly clever I must be terrifying.
Thanks for your contribution Box, I regret you're not terrifying, 'shockingly' is next...takes a lot of effort to be terrifying...few have achieved it.
I'll do my best to live up to frighteningly, small children have been known to run screaming from the room at my approach, could be my jokes though.
Another tool you may want to look at is shape bender, very handy for making curved ramps and such.