Rough edges
In crease the number of sides on circles and arcs before you draw them. When you select either the Circle or Arc tool but before you start drawing, the VCB will show you the number of sides. Type a new value and hit Enter. don't overdo it, though. The exact number you need will depend upon what you're drawing so experiment.
What about changing it now when its done? -
You could try subdividing but your textures will get messed up.
@rich o brien said:
You could try subdividing but your textures will get messed up.
how do i do that?
Also I dont care about the texture because I have like 3 on it -
There are several plugins that you could use. Artisan is one.
Tried this:
Crashes :SArtisan I used up the trial...and actually never used it :S
It's not possible in SU in a proper way... i would say for this type of model better choose a subD modeler...
@numerobis said:
It's not possible in SU in a proper way... i would say for this type of model better choose a subD modeler...
Yea I use cinema 4d in school, and it works, but makes it a bit messy and hard to fix... :S
"Crashes" isn't much to go on to help you sort out the problem with the plugin. We'll assume you just gave up on it.
Buy Artisan. It works.
Maybe you'd just be better off starting over and drawing smoother curves to begin with instead of trying to repair the mess you have.
i selected the wheel, used then subdivide, sketchup crashed.
It doesnt crash in simple objects as boxes... -
Not having used that specific plugin and not being able to see your model, it's hard to say what's happening exactly. So you don't get any message when it crashes?
If you're planning to use SketchUp for modeling cars and other complex shapes like that, you would probably find it well worth the investment to buy Artisan. Also look at Vertex Tools. That one would also be an excellent addition for your use.
@dave r said:
Not having used that specific plugin and not being able to see your model, it's hard to say what's happening exactly. So you don't get any message when it crashes?
If you're planning to use SketchUp for modeling cars and other complex shapes like that, you would probably find it well worth the investment to buy Artisan. Also look at Vertex Tools. That one would also be an excellent addition for your use.
Yea it works now...Had too much other programs running...
Ok the results are not really good, I probably need artisan.
I have vertex tools. And you just made an idea with wertex toolstnx
And you also need to be able to determine when you need to start over. Sometimes trying to repair a model is a black hole of wasted time. I guess you'll need to figure that one out on your own, though.
With a lot of crashes you can try to copy the wheel in a new Sketchup instance by using paste in place.
Work in there without the whole model and copy it back. ( delete the old one )Maybe you can reduce the a lot better. Just a try