[Plugin] RichSection V0.5.8 UPDATED march 2015
Check out the help files, if that does not work for you, you can PM me and fire the questions. Or if you rather post a question in Hatchafaces topic thats fine too.
@arcad-uk said:
Last night my first section entry [XL01] was replaced with [XL0001] today everything seems ok
I may have used "undo" and messed things up.
There is a lot going on when creating an RS, can I do a complete undo with 1 click?
I was thinking in LO I might want to explode the scene and apply a different line style but I now see that RichSections don't display in vector mode. (
Undo : I can't undo scenes and styles loaded (from file). The SU API for Ruby has no functions to create them from scratch. I have to load them from a file. No way, at my knowledge, to include this in the undo DB (within start and commit_operation).
Controle vector output (with color and line style) to Layout : I can only dream of it.
Hi TIG, micione and others...
As I said before (see 'TO BE CONTINUED'), I loaded the free version (Windowizer3, W3) and did some testing.
As the Bugsplat takes place after a commit_operation in the RichSection plugin (without 'other' errors), I tried to find the conflict in the W3 code.
I didn't find anything directly in common with the RichSection plugin, but I found these anomalies:- def getMaterials is a root method declared twice : once in windowizer,rb, once in getMaterials.rb; Even if the 'require getMaterials,rb' is comment out; the file is automatically loaded because it is directly in the Sketchup/plugins
- The following classes are extended : Array, Sketchup::Face, Sketchup::Entity; Sketchup::ArcCurve; Sketchup::Curve
- many Global variables
- the global variable $wName is once a string [=Wdw.new.to_s.slice(6..14)] and later an empty class object [=Wdw.new]…..
I tried to clean up the code for testing, but I can't see the end of it.
As there is nothing specificly in common with RS (I mean : in common with RS but not with other plugins), I cleaned up the plugin directory and installed only Windowizer3 + Fredo's RoundCorner
It works fine for a (very) small model.
But for more a more complex models (50 identical component-instances: in total (nested) about 9500 edges, 3300 faces), I had directly a Bug-splat when creating round corners around one face within the component.
I uninstalled Windowizer3 (the files) and did the same manipulation : Eventing worked fine.
I think that the plugins of Fredo are a reference for the Sketchup community.CONCLUSION : Windowizer 3 is not a stable plugin. I didn't spent my money to test the payed version ….
Windowizer is not distributed on Sketchucation, but maybee it is important to tell people that it causes Bugsplats in other plugins.
I am waiting for this plugin for five years,then I could handle whole design with Su &layout completely today!Thanks a lot!
It's another plugin for sections:
it could assign diffferent materials to different grounps,maybe it could give some useful ideas...
I am chinese,you can download this plugin on http://www.sublog.net for free,needn't to pay,this site show all the resourse here,it's a good guide! -
@ladcwei said:
it could assign diffferent materials to different grounps,maybe it could give some useful ideas...Hallo ladcwei
You can also assign different materials in the RichSection plugin: by layer, by nature (color) or a combination.
It's much faster than assigning materials to individual elements, but you will have to organize your model and use different layers to assign different section-materials.I know realSection (GWD), there is also SectionCutface (TIG), and other good plugins.
Each plugin is different. I wanted to offer projection.
[highlight=#ffff40:y89ppu1f]So what were you waiting for during 5 years ?[/highlight:y89ppu1f]
Thanks for the interest.
I added two new videos.
In the last video, I produced a plan with [highlight=#ffff00:3n6bzrcv]SKETCHUP + RichSection + LAYOUT[/highlight:3n6bzrcv]:See video and attached PDF file (RichSection-demo-04.PDF) in the first post.
Absolutly astonishing!
(tested in V8)Another plugin who makes bugsplatsh :wxSU.rb !!!
Does it posible to delete these dotted lines in the free space ?
( i have not yet explore the plugin!Ps Why you don't say on the first post that the UI of Rich Section is working automatically also in French?
@pgarmyn said:
@unknownuser said:
Absolutly astonishing!
(tested in V8)Another plugin who makes bugsplatsh :wxSU.rb !!!
Does it posible to delete these dotted lines in the free space ?
( i have not yet explore the plugin!Ps Why you don't say on the first post that the UI of Rich Section is working automatically also in French?
[attachment=1:3822h56j]<!-- ia1 -->rich2.jpg<!-- ia1 -->[/attachment:3822h56j]
%(#0000FF)[Bonjour Pilou. Quel honneur
Pour enlever ces lignes, il suffit d'éteindre 'PROJECTION'. (La section calculera aussi beaucoup plus vite).
Dans les dessins technique (architecture), la projection représente les éléments au-dessus du plan de projection.
On peut aussi limiter la projection (par distance, calques). Une démonstration (distance de projection limitée) est faite dans video #03.Je vais ajouter : Si la version de SU est française, elle chargera RichSection en français..]
For the rest of the world:
To take away those pointed lines, just switch off 'PROJECT'. (The section will also calculate faster).
In technical drawings (architecture), 'projection' represents the elements above the section-plane.
You can also controle wich elements are projected (by distance, layers). This is demonstrated (with projection limited by distance) in video #03.For people with a french SU, the program will load a french RichSection dictionary.
For the rest of the world: are there traductors on this forum? -
For more important (big, complex) drawings. It is worth to use SU 2013. MUCH MUCH faster
deleted double message
If someone want's to pay for my RichSection [Demo] plugin :
[highlight=#ffff00:2ljx047o]Theysell(correction) USE it already in China:[/highlight:2ljx047o]I can't explain much in chinese, so i added an other video (above).
Thank you. I've just completed a more than usually complex drawing that required cross sections. I use RichSection to great effect. I really like all the additional optional colours, line types & infills.
@emerald15 said:
Thank you. I've just completed a more than usually complex drawing that required cross sections. I use RichSection to great effect. I really like all the additional optional colours, line types & infills.
May we see the result
@unknownuser said:
the 2nd video is showing that
Use RichSection materials 'by layer' or 'by nature' or a combination.
Every RichSection can also have different section materials, by using a different 'prefix'
Hey there..
I've managed to figure out how to create different hatch patterns for objects on different layers, but I can't seem to create different hatch patterns for objects with different materials. It always goes back to the default pattern?
Also, I don't quite understand the options for the richsection material - what is the difference between "prefix+layername, prefix+materialname, default" and "prefix+materialname, prefix+layername, default"?
As I mentioned, I just can't seem to get material names to work in defining different hatch patterns...please help!
Joel -
I think it could make good effect more safely
@ivreich said:
..... I don't quite understand the options for the richsection material - what is the difference between "prefix+layername, prefix+materialname, default" and "prefix+materialname, prefix+layername, default"?
...please help!Thanks...
JoelHi Joel
Model : you used layers L1 and L2
Model : you applied the following materials to groups and components : N1 and N2
First possibility : -
Model : existing materials in library 'in model' : #L1.... / NOT existing materials : #L2
RS-options : prefix = #
RS-options : default material = #default
RS-options : section material = prefix+layername, default
RS section materials for a group or component in layer L1 : #L1
RS section materials for a group or component in layer L2 : #default (because #L2 doesn't exist)
2nd possibility : -
Model : existing materials in library 'in model' : #N1.... / NOT existing materials : #N2
RS-options : prefix = #
RS-options : default material = #default
RS-options : section material = prefix+materialname, default
RS section materials for a group or component with material N1 assignd: #N1
RS section materials for a group or component with material N2 assignd: #default (because #N2 doesn't exist)
Got it
@ladcwei said:
I think it could make good effect more safely
It seems to be a very complex model
What kind of building is it ? With a giant bell at the center ?
Maybee the bell needs some thickness. You can do this with the Joint PushPull plugin from Fredo.Thanks for sharing your experiance.
Cant get it to work like in the videos....it just works as sketchup native section cut, also sketchup crashed a few times (bugsplat)....but i love the intention. It would save me the time to go put in hatches in my layout documents
Yes,it's a temple for new year,it attracts much people to ring the bell on the three floors,it is supposed to be a kind of memorial tower.
However,in some complex models,the plugin could give section lines but never fill the hole,I don't know is there some problem has not been solved? It seems to work right.