[Plugin] K2WS_Tools a joint tool set for SU
Anyone who uses this plugin could tell me how the board is at 45?
(Spline Joint)Make a video for all functions would be best.
sorry my English is google translator
Thanks for the really nice plug-in. I use it often. It saves me a lot of time.
I just downloaded Sketchup 2013 on both my Mac and PC. The tool still works just fine on the Mac, but I've run into an issue on the PC. When making a M/T joint, for instance, it won't save any edits to the parameters. And it won't do anything if I click "Save". If I click "Cancel", at least it lets me put in the mortise depth parameter, but then it won't do anything after that.
Like I said, no issue on the Mac!
What version is your OS? Perhaps you need to set the permissions for the Plugins folder for SU2013 to allow access.
I can't get the tools to work. I see them in the tool menu but nothing happens. I am using the free version of SU2013, is that the problem?
Thanks -
Dave, you were correct about the permission issue.
After I posted my note, I did some digging around on the internet and saw that permissions can be a problem for some of the plugins. I could see the file where the preferences were being kept could not get updated.
I recently got a new laptop and it has Windows 7 installed. So I did some more web surfing and figured out how to get the permissions set properly. Basically, I had to make myself the owner of the CREATOR OWNER group.
All works well now!
Ed, thanks for letting us know. Maybe that will help someone else down the road.
I've just upgrade to 2013 and it does not work, is there a solution, I've try a lot of things without success
Have you double-checked the security permissions issues and running as administrator etc, as outlined earlier?
Exactly 'how' is it not working ?Not installing at all?
Not installing properly?
Not loading?
Not making menu entries?
No doing what you expect?
Generating error message dialogs?
Generating error messages in the Ruby Console?
Causing bugsplats/crashes?From this quick list you can see that there is considerably more information you could offer us, which might then help us to help you...
I missed the security permission, lowered it and the program now works.
Thank you very much
I am not able to get the tool to load in SU 2013 pro. The menu shows up but none of the joint tools work. I have tried to load thru window preferences renaming from zip to RBZ but still does not work?
Any help would be appreciated.
I am using SU2013 and I downloaded the K2Tools file from the Ruby Depot and changed the .zip extension to .rbz and installed it as a extension from the preferences menu and the tools worked for me.
As stated above file permissions are the first thing to check when a plugin fails to do anything.
I changed permissions on the folder and it now works. Thanks
Anyone having problems loading K2WS_Tools with Sketchup 2014? I keep getting an error message on my Mac:
"Error Loading File loadK2WS_Tools.rb
Error: #<LoadError: cannot load such file -- K2WS_Tools\K2_ToolsLoader.rb>I've downloaded the .zip file twice tonight from the SketchUCation site. No luck either time. I used the load extensions option from SketchUps preferences. It told me each time the load was successful, but when I re-open SketchUp I get the error message.
Any help would be appreciated. This is a great set of tools!!
The error is self-explanatory !
The ZIP file contains a single .rb file and a subfolder of many helper files.
The ZIP's contents need extracting into your Plugins folder [if you completed your User profile with OS & Version we might be able to advise better on where that is, and if security permissions need resetting to FULL etc - see earlier posts in this thread about that].
The .rb file and the subfolder need to end up in the Plugins folder with the same relationship intact as they have in the ZIP itself.
When the fileloadK2WS_Tools.rb
loads it does a require [like 'load'] on a file in the subfolder
If it's missing you get theError: #<LoadError: cannot load such file
If successful that will load other files etc until the toolset is assembled for use...
But when it fails it stops, so nothing gets finished !If you have NOT got the subfolder with its contents intact inside Plugins then add it.
If you have managed to put the contents of the subfolder directly into Plugins then you need to tidy things up and remove them.
You ought to know that RBZ archives can be AutoInstalled using Preferences > Extensions > Install... button, you can add .rbz onto the end of a ZIP file's name to achieve this too as an RBZ is just a renamed ZIP file...
SketchUcation Plugin Store toolset also has submenu item to AutoInstall Archives - RBZ & ZIP formats are supported. -
Thanks for the feedback, TIG.
The first two times I attempted to install K2WS I used the method of changing the .zip extension to .rbz. I got the file error. Tonight, I manually un-zipped the file and put the folder K2WS_Tools and the loadK2WS_Tools.rb file directly into my Plug-Ins folder.
I verified all files and folders retained the same order as in the .zip file, just as you indicated. Attached is a jpg file showing the content and structure of my Plug-In folder.
I still get the same load error.
I'm running a Mac with OSX 10.7.5. Permissions for Plug-In folder and all contained files and folders is write & read.
I have finally [re]seen the issue
The error says the initial loader rb can't find:
Because you are on a MAC that's not a valid file path.
It must beK2WS_Tools/K2_ToolsLoader.rb
to suit MAC AND PCs.
The back-slash \ will scrape through on most PCs, but fail on MACs.
Whereas the forward-slash / will work OK on PCs and MACs.To fix this open the file
with TextWrangler or a similar plain-text editor...
See here... http://sketchucation.com/forums/viewtopic.php?p=352600#p352600
As reported \ in the require path needs to be a / for MAC compatibility...
require 'K2WS_Tools\K2_ToolsLoader.rb'
require 'K2WS_Tools/K2_ToolsLoader.rb'
BUT oddly if you get the latest ZIP off the forum and extract the files
is correctly formed with the /
Presumably these and a few other issues were reworked by the author after the initial reports/testing in 2011!!
So the question arises where did you get the older incorrect version from ?Get the latest ZIP from the first post - that is already correctly configured.
Extract its contents and convince yourself about the lack of a \ in the 'require'...
Make sure ALL of the files and subfolder equivalents in the extracted set are manually removed from your users Plugins folder [also check the other Plugins folder in the HD path is similarly emptied too !]
Rename the ZIP with .rbz at the end and use the AutoInstall feature under Preferences > Extensions...
To double check, open theloadK2WS_Tools.rb
and ensure the required path is still with / not \If it still fails look for other Plugins folders that might be loading an older incorrectly written version ???
For the avoidance of doubt here's a latest working RBZ version too !
You can install that directly...
Thanks for all your help, TIG.
I now see that if I had read prior posts more carefully I would have found the solution to my problem.
I began the repair by editing each file by hand. When I realized ALL the supporting files required the same change from \ to /, I took your advice and used the Sketucation archive loader.
Everything works great now!
I have posted an updated K2WS_Tools version 2.0. See first entry in this subject for some info and the new rbz file. I have sent this to some other users directly so as I hear from them and from this forum I will then add it to the SU Plugin Store.
I'm having trouble creating screw holes with your plugin (K2WS_Tools v2.1.0). when creating screw holes on a rounded corner rectangle I got this Error
Error: #<NoMethodError: undefined method
x' for nil:NilClass> C:/Users/ronnie/AppData/Roaming/SketchUp/SketchUp 2015/SketchUp/Plugins/K2WS_Tools/K2_ToolsScrewHoles.rb:458:in
onLButtonDown'but creating screw holes on a rectangle without rounded corner it works.
What should I do?
I'm having trouble creating screw holes with your plugin (K2WS_Tools v2.1.0). when creating screw holes on a rounded corner rectangle I got this Error
Error: #<NoMethodError: undefined method
x' for nil:NilClass> C:/Users/ronnie/AppData/Roaming/SketchUp/SketchUp 2015/SketchUp/Plugins/K2WS_Tools/K2_ToolsScrewHoles.rb:458:in
onLButtonDown'but creating screw holes on a rectangle without rounded corner it works.
What should I do?
Attached rounded corner.skp