[Plugin][$] RoundCorner - v3.4a - 31 Mar 24
Please someone look into those folders and tell me what I can do to fix it. Windows 7. Ive already worked on permissions for the plugin folder. I need this to work. Bad.
Thank you soooo much for any good soul.
You have a wrong installation.
You have exploded all RoundCorner files in the SU PLugin directories. You should read the post.
Please reconsider a full installation, with the installing the SCF PluginStore as the first step and then installing all scripts (latest versions) via the Plugin Store.
Also, make sure you install the latest version of AdditionalPluginFolders (v3.1).
Looks to me as if LibFredo6 got the same exploding treatment, too.
I think the easiest first step to fixing this would be to delete the Plugins folder entirely. Then reinstall/repair SketchUp and start over beginning with correctly installing the SCF Plugin Store.
You need to do a big tidy up.
Remove all of the files currently in the Plugins folder that should have been left inside subfolders.
Then reinstall those plugins again - from scratch.
I see you have already got the SketchUcation toolset.
Why oh why, have you not been using that to AutoInstall your plugins from within SketchUp itself ?
Doing a manual installation wrongly is the quick route to a broken SketchUp, especially if you can't find, read and follow simple instructions and the accumulated wisdom of SCF [this has been discussed endlessly over the years], and of course that's why the relatively foolproof AutoInstallers were invented - especially for people like you -
I know guys, I know...I started manually, then got the installer, and thats when things went nuts...I will work it all over again...thx for all!!!!! Thank you sooo much!!!
I am trying to install round corners on my SU8 on Mac OSX 10.8.4.
I have installed:
- Fredo6_RoundCorner.rb
- Fredo6_!LibFredo6.rb
They are both clicked in my preferences but it is still not loading in my plugins.
Any help welcome! thanks
Do you see the menus
- in Windows for LibFredo6
- In Tools > Fredo6 Collection for RoundCorner
If so, open the Ruby console before launching a command.
Otherwise, you may have a faulty installation.
I really recommend you take time to install the SCF Plugin Store tool, and then install my plugins with this tool.
Very, very, very thanks. I love yours plugins.
I work under mac, I have the sketchup 8, the libfredo 5.2, I installed(settled) round to fold 2.5 in its skecthup / Plugin location, I restarted Skecthup but Round hook does not appear in my toolbar... What is that somebody can help me.
Thank you very much
Have you activated its Extension and then its Toolbar ?
Hi Everyone, hi Fredo.
First of all, thanks for the hard work Fredo, you are great! Much of what, to me, makes the SketchUp experience are things that would not be possible without your work. Keep it up!I have run into a problem with RoundCorner. I have used the plugin before, but since I clean installed Windows 8 on my Computer, it won't work properly anymore. I use SketchUp 13 and I installed LibFredo and RoundCorner over the SketchUcation Plugin Store Extension.
My Problem is that everything is "Invalid" when trying to select edges or faces. When hovering over faces, the cursor simply states "Invalid", but when hovering over an edge it specificaly states "Invalid (Property filter)" (what does that even mean?). I am trying to edit a simple 200cm x 90cm x 14cm box inside a component (while editing the component), which should't be a problem shapewise, since it is pretty much the simplest shape one could edit.
Strangely this problem only occurs when selecting the "Round corners" option. "Sharp corners" and "Bevel edges and corners" work just fine.
Thanks in advance.Yoghurt
RoundCorner does not work across component or group boundaries. So it should say 'Invalid (Group or Component). Also, make sure you select the proper edge property (plain, smooth, soft, hidden) to match your selected edges (otherwise it says Invalid (Edge properties).
Finally, if you have edges with more than 2 connected faces, it will also say Invalid.I don't have Windows 8 and I don't think this is related. Possibly you may want to post a model where you encounter the problem so that I have a look.
@fredo6 said:
RoundCorner does not work across component or group boundaries. So it should say 'Invalid (Group or Component). Also, make sure you select the proper edge property (plain, smooth, soft, hidden) to match your selected edges (otherwise it says Invalid (Edge properties).
Finally, if you have edges with more than 2 connected faces, it will also say Invalid.I don't have Windows 8 and I don't think this is related. Possibly you may want to post a model where you encounter the problem so that I have a look.
Thanks, I solved the problem!
I was within the editing mode of the component while using RoundCorner, so that was not the problem. It was a simple box, so the number of faces per edge was no concern either.
The problem was indeed the edge property, I switched that and then it worked perfectly. Thanks a lot for the quick reply.
I'm new to plugins and to Sketchup. And I gather you have created these plugins for free. So I hate to sound ungrateful. But your documentation is really unclear.
What part of it is unclear to you? It doesn't seem right to criticize the author's work without being clear yourself.
There are plenty of folks here, myself included, who would be happy to help you out.
Round Corners is for 3D work. Use the Fillet tool in TIG's 2D Tools set instead. It won't automatically round every corner in one click but it will still be faster than using the Arc tool.
Can I use RoundCorner to add radius'd corners en masse to a 2D shape?
I have a complex 2D shape to which I need to add a specific radius at each intersection of two lines (up to a certain angle, of course). 2D shape here--not 3D.
Olá, aqui após eu fazer o processo de arredondar bordas, aparece aquele famoso erro "Bug Splat". Uso SketchUP 2013 Pro, plugin LibFredo6 já instalado, como posso resolver este problema?
@andrey vieira said:
Olá, aqui após eu fazer o processo de arredondar bordas, aparece aquele famoso erro "Bug Splat". Uso SketchUP 2013 Pro, plugin LibFredo6 já instalado, como posso resolver este problema?
Do you have Vray 1.6 beta installed?
There are some known conflicts with RoundCorner.Fredo
@fredo6 said:
@andrey vieira said:
Olá, aqui após eu fazer o processo de arredondar bordas, aparece aquele famoso erro "Bug Splat". Uso SketchUP 2013 Pro, plugin LibFredo6 já instalado, como posso resolver este problema?
Do you have Vray 1.6 beta installed?
There are some known conflicts with RoundCorner.Fredo
Sim, uso a versão 1,6, com a versão 2.0 do v-ray que saiu, ainda está ocorrendo erros?