Help drawing a toilet seat
Hi Everybody,
I am fairly new to Sketchup and need to draw a toilet seat, I am struggling to get the correct curves drawn as they seem to be irregular curves and tried using Bezier plugin and this doesn't seem to help.
See attachment of the seat
Any suggestions I would be grateful as i'm totally stuck now.
Many thanks for the reply I have picked up a couple of tips from the document.
It still doesnt really answer my question about the curves being irregular.
the arc tool is good for a regular arc but say the arc is irregular how do i overcome this.
Thanks Again
Understanding how to use the bezier tools will help with Complex curves.
Here is a very basic use.
Thanks for your help!!!!
What is this plugin called as i cant seem to find it?
@ukchoiceshops said:
What is this plugin called as i cant seem to find it?
I'm a little confused, as always, the only plugin mentioned anywhere in the thread is Bezier. You mentioned trying it yourself in your original post, which is why I did the little vid to show you how it works. It is the one Massimo linked to above. I'd be interested to know if it was another plugin you mentioned in your original?
@box said:
I'm a little confused, as always, the only plugin mentioned anywhere in the thread is Bezier. You mentioned trying it yourself in your original post, which is why I did the little vid to show you how it works. It is the one Massimo linked to above. I'd be interested to know if it was another plugin you mentioned in your original?
google had a bezier plugin.. thomthom updated it a while back.. not sure what's different in the current version but it appears to have been updated this year:
SketchUp Extension Warehouse
Your library of custom third-party extensions created to optimize your SketchUp workflow.
Cheers Jeff, looks like it behaves the same way. I must admit I have never looked in the Extensions warehouse after my first exploratory visit.
thanks for the help. Is there a way of changing the amount of segments used on this tool?
Yes there are several ways, but the most simple is to type the number you want before finishing with the tool.
Like most tools you can simply type 60s and hit enter and it will have 60 sides/segments.
The most obvious way to see this work is to draw a circle, then before doing anything else or trying to click in any boxes, just type 5 s enter and your default 24 sided circle will change to a 5 sided circle.