VRAY / Rectangle lighting
Hello All,
I'm having an issue with rectangular lighting. It seems like it should be straightforward correction for some of you; we'll see. I've attached a few screenshots. Basically, I'm confused as to why the single-source light should create such blurry shadows (I've turned off GI & BG and all other sources).
In fact, the first pass (Irradiance I believe) begins to show crisp shadows as I'd expect. Then, as it moves to the next passes (Light Cache?), the shadows get diffused and misplaced. I thought it was the Bias -- but tinkering with that doesn't seem to help much; I feel as if its something even more basic. I then thought the Glossiness settings for the floor may have caused it but as you can see I've removed the flooring all together.Any thoughts?
Thanks in advance,
Seems to me to be your GI settings. Are you using the defaults? Try turning up your light cache subdivs and DMC settings.
Rectangular lights always create soft shadows, as the light is generated by the whole surface - the bigger the rectangle the 'softer' the shadows.
You mention a point light source. If that's what you want then you need to use an 'omnilight' or a 'spotlight'David
dcauldwell - no, that's not the point of his question...
i would also blame the GI settings (either the LC subdivs or the irradiance map sample settings), could you post a screenshot of those two?