SketchUp 2013 Maintenance Release 1
Now Trimble... about that even slower outliner...
oops, since applying the M release, practically every scene tab update results in a bug spalt !
so M is for merde ?
I haven't noticed any changes to scene updates with M1. Is it possible some plugin is causing issues? Have you got V-ray installed?
no V ray... it all worked fine until applying M release... (no plugin changes)
Try reinstalling/repairing your SketchUp installation.
And please complete your profile with the operating system and version you are using. It'll make it easier for others to help you.
ok, for info, windows vista SP 2 and as I said, all worked fine until M
If you temporarily disable your plugins, does the crash happen then?
Paddy, it's M1. Short for Maintenance Release 1.
ok, found the culprit... it was an outdated version of TIGs sectioncutface... upgraded to v3.7 of said plugin and all is working again.. thanks folks. (and M is for merde when things start messing up !
So my suggestion that was pushed off of a plugin being the culprit turned out to be on the mark. Not fair to blame SketchUp when you're using outdated plugins.
Might be worth checking any other old plugins you moved from your old Plugins folder to the new one to see if they've been updated. Many have been.
yup, my bad. actually, I did update most plugins and unloaded a whole bunch I never used... but it is odd that friday, before M, I was doing fine, hΓ©ho, mine is not to reason why !
BTW 2013 is otherwise a great improvement & Layout has become usable without driving me back to smoking ! (the previous versions were so slow that I nearly started nicotine again & went back to bricscad instead) & no, I still have the same machine as before, so i imagine that on a super-duper machine with a vavavoom graphics card it would be even better.thanks